
Way ahead of ya, I plan to send mine right back out as soon as I get it and fill it in. Then go back to researching where one might obtain guillotines. For, you know, no particular reason.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot >170,000 people and not lose a single vote.” —- your president in reality, Trump Voters

I’m not saying a flamethrower drone is the answer, but I’m not not saying it either.

They really do think they are better than other people when the reality is that they are much, much worse.

Save yourself the money of possibly losing a drone (you know he has a shotgun, it’s NC) and just put a flyer on his door that they’re playing Birth of a Nation at the local Daughters of the Confederacy chapter house. He’ll drive his riding mower there so that’ll give you a good hour to burn the Traitor’s flag.

This is priceless.

Some context from a Seattlite. Durkan is the moderate who won election by being acceptable to Republicans and white Democrats. We elect someone who is “diverse” in identity, but a corporatist politician to mayor.
It is possible for the SPD to try to lay off cops not by reverse seniority, but Durkan and Best aren’t down

“I am confident the department will make it through these difficult times,” Best said in the email. “You truly are the best police department in the country, and please trust me when I say, the vast majority of people in Seattle support you and appreciate you. ... I look forward to seeing how this department

So the city cut their budget by less than 1% and 100 cops and she quits in protest?

counterpoint: god is a figment of deranged minds too weak to acknowledge their own mortality.

the number 1 cause of violent death in the world is, has always been and always will be religion.

Ugh. Need some mental bleach to wipe that image.

Yes, anytime a Black person does anything, they’re “stealing” from ALL white people, apparently.

And I guara-fucking-tee you she already has her own parking spot but feels entitled to ALL the parking spots because that’s how these people roll.

The wild thing is that going by the bible, Jesus was a refugee from a middle-eastern nation who hated rich people, believed in free healthcare, and railed against profiteering religion. 

My response every time I see the latest low that DJT has sunken to: “White folks, y’all did this.” For all of you who feel the need to say “not all white people”, what did you actively do to try to make sure he didn’t get elected, aside from voting against him?

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Jesus said that there were two rules above everything else, Love others and do right by them. Not thump them with bibles, not curse them, not steal from them, not ignore them and to not get tangled up with the affairs of the world to gain power.

When I was growing up in Fundie Land, I was told that anyone who didn’t obey the exact wording of the Bible was going straight to Hell for being a fake Christian. Now I’m convinced that if anyone’s going to Hell, it’s going to be the people who preached “Christian values” but “didn’t do these things for others” — said

The hijacking of the GOP (fiscal GOP) by the Moral Majority allowed for the current state of confusion, lies, misrepresentation of ideas, and of course racism. Because in this country, racism is the root of the majority of the problems that exist. It exists just because the deep, inherent hate that white (not all™)

Said it once, will repeat myself.