Jazzy Tron

I haven't scrolled through all the comments yet but, I would add the Battlestar Galactica reboot to this list.

I don't have a Sloan opinion one way or the other BUT as a Canadian, I wonder, was that bonus disk ever re-released? Are the songs available elsewhere? I guess it isn't really fair to ask, just interested since you brought it up.

I'll go grab my copy and re-read your entry. the only 'problem' I had with the book is that there were many albums I hoped to track down but were simply impossible to find.

Oi. I love that book!


I don't understand the theme what does "What ifs" mean?

Was I the only one to immediately think of this…

Hi everybody. Drinking at a poker game. I love Star Wars but I'm also so done. Was anyone else as affected as I by Mr. Plinkett?

Nooooooo. No thank you. No. No. No.

Innnttereessssting. I wonder why they bothered. Why not use the song proper?

Interesting. I admit, despite the fact that he changed my life (with the iPod), I'm not a Steve Jobs admirer. I would like to believe that he would have kept the Classic on principal.

Remember, this was a time before internet or DVD. The clips Mann showed were kinda my only exposure (until that point) of either Crime Story or Manhunter. I didn't like that Crime Story had a cover for the theme rather than the Del Shannon original Runaway. Manhunter, because it was a homemade copy/edit was shown with

This is a conversation we should all have over beer but I will say this - with music a hard copy is always the 'best' option. Not always the easy option or efficient choice but long term, over many computers, hard drives and updated versions of iTunes, a CD (or album I guess) remains relatively safe.

In 1996 I was living in London England. I read in Time Out that Michael Mann would be appearing at a movie theater presenting episodes of Miami Vice, Crime Story and a private copy of his preferred edit of Manhunter. Of course I went. I was ready for some hilarious chats about Miami Vice and what I remembered as being

I can't say I disagree.

Wow. That's a challenge. It's never crossed my mind that someone might be so unfamiliar with Star Trek they're wondering where to begin. I guess the easy answer is "City on The Edge of Forever" but I'm sure there are many who disagree with me.

Cool article. The entire TNG cast was recently in Calgary for a packed house panel discussion - Wil Wheaton included.