
They make shows centered around people doing things that shouldn’t be portrayed on television, and act surprised when the actors are actually doing pervy things? Give me a break. When you feed people sexualized content all day long, don’t be shocked when they act out. I’m not saying what she did is fine, it’s

Thank you for making this about race. Congratulations.

Eh, who care’s about the Oscars? Steven Crowder’s Oscars viewing party livestream got four times the viewership of the official Oscars livestream.

Or lack thereof.

I didn’t know about this man until today. I pray for his family, that they will find grace and healing from this loss.

Pew-Zho. That’s how it’s pronounced.

Have a buddy who had an old Z3 (until he wrecked it leaving our house). Racing seats, lowered suspension, widebody kit, and crappy plastic rear window.

I legit thought it was a dog bone before clicking the headline. Who thinks up this stuff?

Wear whatever you want, but don’t force us to celebrate it. Just because you’re “progressive” doesn’t mean you aren’t disgusting.

I’m pretty choosy with my plugins (thanks to my friend who uses Linux exclusively). You shouldn’t be putting a bunch of data-reading junk in your browser anyway. And don’t use Lastpass, their security is terrible. Kee Pass doesn’t have auto-fill, but it’s far more secure.

Normally I’m pretty concerned with my privacy, but this is a case where I don’t really care. You can’t expect privacy on a plane anyway, so why would a camera there bug you? Heck, they could be used for law enforcement in the future to catch fugitives or terrorists (without really invading anyone’s privacy much more

Why is everyone’s idea of a futuristic steering wheel rectangular? Give us something natural to hold.

I love McLaren with all my heart, but they have got to fix their F1 game. Year after year of disappointment makes it not worth keeping up with.

Hence the Wyldstyle profile pic. I envy you, man.

As cool as VW vans are, lusting after them is absolutely basic.

Proof that you can never absolutely know the person on the other side of the screen.

If his story is true, then he deserves any compensation he can get. If it isn’t, then he deserves to be absolutely smeared. That being said I find it difficult that anyone would declare Chicago of all places “MAGA Country.”

What about gay pride flags at the new pride parades? Double standards. It has absolutely everything to do with what’s on the flag.

You know, I thought that the government should censor license plates until I read your post. You are absolutely right, make an idiot out of yourself and people will let you know.