jules kinkead

these ars some items i wrote down

here are some random thoughts
-Nacho might have had someone put the note there since he could not do it himself but It is obvious someone else might have seen Mike watching this crew throughout the week.

She said a week or 2 ago you got me…meaning they are a couple and she accepts he is going to cut corners but she as far as being an attorney is straight by the book.
But there is a little desire for Jimm'ys world. She called him to get down to the restaurant where she started a scam of her own and said she had one on

Nina of The Americans shot in the head when he usefulness ran out. Of course we wont see anything like that but if they are going to go 1 or 2 more seasons and Saul Goodman breaks how do they write Kim out. Some people think they may sprinkle her in during BB years and we see Saul's personal life. I dont think that

no as muscians our group watch together at least twice and we comment on the music like Scorpio last week in the opener which was played for the first time on Soul Train in Jan 72.
There are scenes where the music is not complementing the story/action

I heard Chuck use the word partners and Howard did not correct him just before Chuck say Svengali

I dont remember Howard telling Chuck that Kim and Jimmy are not partners only sharing space and expenses…

it is a tv show…they imply he was killed in the line of duty.
so the writers maybe knew of the victims fund or not..the writers can do what they want

Dont know how or why she moved to New Mexico. Mike was still a cop and taking dirty money when his kid got killed. Mike talked his kid into taking money but the kid Matty was his name, did not want to take the money but he did. Other cops thought Matty would snitch so they murdered him and made it look like he was

We spent a week going through BB and all of us (5 guys( agreed) that although the cops killed Stacey husband, Mike's boy, like in Serpico he was set up so in fact he died in the line of duty. The writer's must not be aware of the benefits paid to widows and/or children of cops killed in the line of duty. Some of the

I did not see Stans girl Tory at the EST meeting so she does not know where Philip and Sandra came from. Eating cake and talking she told Stan is being intimate. That is BS. For a guy who wants his wife back he would not be screwing Tory.
Here is an interesting article about the show

Slippin Jimmy is cemented in his psyche and will never go away. He has a good heart and he means well. The video he made was really great but just not approved in advanced. What does Jimmy also have, he is smart. like his brother Chuck. Not in the law scholastically but everyday smart. Saul is going to be breaking out

Surprised the FBI man Stan got so pissed off after hearing from a girl he is sleeping with who he met at EST that she saw Stan's now separated wife, soon to be x, having a cup of coffee. But the girlfriend wants to start trouble and says they looked intimate. Stan comes in swinging, takes Philip by the collar and

Mike told Nacho if Tuco is killed Salamancas will be nosing around and we see it is no different because Tuco is going away for 8 years which brings out the cartel. I called it as he was walking in and 5 others in the room said wait for it and bam there he was fully functional..think he will have a stroke..for the BB

The sheet music for Chuck's piece was titles in French but the playing dynamics molto moderato in Italian as is custom worldwide. Almost like English is the language accepted firstly at air traffic control and air towers throughout the world.
Anyway the sheet was notated to be played in 6/8 time with a quarter note

Years ago there was a book and maybe a movie from that book "Sybil" a woman with multiple personalities (much more than 3). In BCS I always look at the show as Sliipin Jimmy, James McGill and Saul Goodman act in concert on every move he makes.
Each playing their own part with overlap talents, albeit subtle overlap but

In the preview for next week Cliff says to Jimmy during phone call "its 2 to 1 to fire you"
that is 3. But more interesting is by a slip of the tongue by Gilligan I think we are going to see the 2 film students again in Episode 8. So there is more filming, but for who and what.

The shell has cracked and the Saul's birth begins. It was the fact of the Chicago Sunroof that allowed Jimmy to come up with all those names of activities of certain inclined people. Love when any show or movie recalls Hoboken. Never been there.

the scene at the tree has to be taken in context with the immediate conversation before he flipped her around..she says you cant control me and Noah says On No and then the sex…consensual, rough and unusual for her to not mention to take it easy because she is pregnant….but this is a familiar position, pardon the

in real time of the episode Alison called Noah 2x…no return call….not even an idea of why no return call…