
@VikramBabanacka: MORE than a little! What is this thing DOING with all those cycles? You can do most of this in javascript ferpetesake!

@jkrell: compared to $80 for the "Sony" cable (with free USB cable!) or $40 for the radioshack version, I'd say $5 for an object which I can go home with today is pretty dang good.

@Lody: +1 person with no ad block here.

Seirus All-weather. I prefer the original to the hyperlite version. $30 at amazon. Windproof, moisture-resistant, and breathable. I'm pretty sure they use god's own toilet paper to make these things. They will kick the crap out of every glove you've ever worn.

This "page" is intended only for use within a frame.

I'm trying this and it's not working.

@VakeroRokero: I'd hope you'd at least continue to patronize that gent's establishment.

@Persistent1: LOL. A couple years ago (maybe 2006) I sold some SIMMs I'd been hauling around for years. Asynchronous 8x64MB modules IIRC, and to someone in the US. I believe there were multiple bidders, even. You'd be amazed what people will buy on eBay.