That is amazingly scary. Wow
That is amazingly scary. Wow
I'm pretty jealous. Its cool to see him not be anti-Android and actually give something else a chance, thats definitely something to admire.
And this picture is special because????
nice deal, BUT its not targeted to users like me. I'm sure republic will keep me off their network after 2 days of using their 3G network.
probably not 90 feet, but thats still a massive wave. If its like that on its own, then they would be incredibly scary in a tsunami.
Thats pretty amazing. I would be kind of scared but amazed at the same time if i ever witnessed that.
Some valid points indeed. I'm not gonna say I'm not guilty of having done this once or twice, but now i'm more aware of it. I remember during shows & concerts i would film pieces of it here & there. The funny part is i NEVER go back & view those videos again.
damn it!!!! is there an alternative to ultrasn0w?
I'm waiting for it to be official so i can Jailbreak my iPhone 4 running iOS 5 and take it to T-Mobile.
That's one beautiful airplane. I still like the Boeing 747's.
Sucks that T-Mobile never got it, but i guess i'll live. I DO NOT want to move to Sprint. Yes I have unlimited data, but whats it worth when the network's speeds are unbearably slow? AT&T & Verizon are too expensive, especially Verizon. But I guess you pay for what you get, except maybe with AT&T and their dropped…
These are really good. I knew Apple wouldn't disappoint in the camera department. Sadly they disappointed with the overall phone.
why complain if you're still going to get it?!
I HATE talking on the phone. I prefer texting over a phone call, its easier, allows me to keep doing what i'm doing (i can't really multi-task while on a call), and its fast. If its not face to face contact, i'll take text.
awesome video. I want to see more videos of things in reverse :)
Same ol' Apple, even with Steve Jobs gone they're still suing the hell out of everyone.
Next time i smoke some weed I'll think about me adding 2 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Doesn't look like a penis too me. Unless, my penis happens to look different from everyone else's.
I REALLY hope this is not the iPhone 5 the screen is too small. I have a Nexus One now and i'm looking for something really good to upgrade to. Android wise i ONLY really like stock android, sense is ok, but i rather have stock. The only truly stock option might be going to Verizon, and with rumors of the iPhone 5 on…
There was something about this video that I really liked. I think it was the music. I would have liked to see more, though.