
her kind are gonna take over the world preettty soon. Just watch. Mark my words.

that is really disturbing. Poor guy.

Pretty cool video. Boeing 747's are still my favorite type of commercial aircraft. The Airbus A380 is of course a larger plane, but i still like 747s better. :)

@baconbot: I don't have any idea what he did there. I can never catch these dry type of jokes :(.

Every year the iPhone is supposed to come to Verizon. People who believe it is EVERY year are suckers. Remember how the iPhone 4 was rumored to go to VZW? Yep, that didn't happen. I really don't expect to see a VZW iPhone until 2012........and people will enjoy it for about 6 months because, you know......were all

Thats pretty amazing. Its crazy how you can just see that sand storm coming up fast like nothing.

Umm NO. We can't get rid or our dedicated portable music players. I DO have a smartphone and I STILL carry my Zune 120 with me. the reasons being? Well I can carry my whole music library along with me while still conserving battery on my phone. I already have to charge my phone every night, I don't want to have to

1.5?? I honestly don't know why they bothered. This is the problem of adding custom UIs.

I wonder what would of happened if they added people on the street to this commercial. :)

Nice, for the talkers. Sometimes I feel I'm the only one that hardly ever talks on the phone. I prefet texting for casual conversations, or even better real life contact. :)

Absolutely beautiful. I live in Southern California myself, and i KNOW where im going for the next meteor shower now. :)

Hopefully RIM can keep up the next time around. Even though I use an Android phone, since I'm not the biggest blackberry fan, I still want RIM to stick around for a little longer.

WOOOO Gizmodo :). I truly love visiting this website. Its not exclusive to just gadgets, pretty much anything that my nerdy self likes is available here. Humor, space, photoshop, gadgets (of course), and much more.

words can't describe how beautiful that picture is. Too bad i won't be able to see this meteor shower since i live in the city, the LA area to be exact, we all know the crazy light pollution around here barely allows us to see normal stars.

yea. this guy obviously has too much time on his hands. I bet the trip was nice though, he probably got to see a lot of good scenery.

oops. I dont use this method. I'll always think of this video when wrapping my MBP's charger though.

I like that picture :)