
If only it were real....honestly, why wont Nintendo rerelease these great games on iOS and Android?

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The fact is, there hasnt been anything positive about Sony to cover for the past console generation! What do you want to hear, that they came in far too late, with a hugely expensive machine? Much of its cost is related to the Cell CPU, "oh, this thing will be EVERYWHERE, in TV's, in washing machines, coffee

Sony is indeed screwed financially, but they *need* a new console now, hell, the PS3 killed itself when it limped into the race, very late, very expensive, and its "greater performance" has never shown itself, the Xbox 360 could do basically everything the PS3 could in terms of games, came to the party far earlier,

Great point for Veganism

Agreed, "Synthetic" all the way!

Surely the Blu Ray drive cost Sony this generation? Well, a number of things messed Sony up, but generally, wouldnt the PS3 have come out much earlier without the Blu Ray drive? And how many games *REALLY* need 50GB on a disc, when the technology not only delayed the console itself, but makes the read write times

The Blue Nowhere is a great fiction book which suggests just that, a water powered computer

Go Vegan :-)

Earthlings is a great documentary from 2005, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, music by Moby which would beg to differ.

Good Samaritan 2.0, 2012 edition, the nice guy takes away the burden that is the PSP!

"At least the crow looks like it's having fun."

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Please, those a fighter jet cant even take out one single truck, whats a drone gonna do? :-)

geocaching is where its at :-)

I would highly recommend you get the 3G version, I personally believe Sony SHOULD have made every model 3G enabled, hell, 4G is the current state of the art in the USA, but thats far from mature now.

It took Sony *six years* to update the PSP, really, we are days away from 2012, a Vita like device should have appeared in 2010 or so. The screen resolution would have been lower, the crap VGA cameras wouldnt have been so bad, and the overall CPU/GPU tech obviously would have been at this level, but there really isnt

I like your point, and LOVE seeing your friendly Kakapo photo as a New Zealander (hi from Invercargill!)

I cant wait until Android, and then iOS devices blast past this thing, by the time its out in the US, the largest market (I can admit New Zealand, population 4 million isnt a market Sony particularly cares about ;-) ), surely many Android devices will be quadcore?

Good on you for saying what many would have thought.

Is there no dignity for the dead? Doesnt such mockery make us just as bad as them?

Screen looks poor quality compared to a decent Android or iPhone