Jay Whatever

Similar for me, except substitute the Tinley Park venue

i was also a fruhead.
fucking Jian…

For me, it's basically Ani DiFranco. I saw her play 6 times in one year, and came very close to having the RBR girl tattooed somewhere on me.

Whoops! doesn't seem very Punk Rock.

nathan fucking rabin. lol

Of course, the super cool kids were boycotting Le Tigre in 2001

I want to protest outside. Bring back my dead tree The Onion. Also my reviews of the Gilmore Girls rewatch.
But seriously I'll probably be there…

I was hoping for a brutal take down of Ani DiFranco, actually, which is sad because I used to chant her songs in the mirror while crying. Sorry 1999 me.

I'm a little misty.

we'd like to thank Fox, and the good people at Budget Lodge

Hasn't this family already had a gay horse?

matzoh brei made with butter and cream


take it easy brah!

God, Rivers can be such an asshole. Good thing nothing can stop me from enjoying that album. so suck it Cuomo
i also want to know what disneygay means

I had a hallmate my freshman year of college (99) who would listen to MTV with headphones on while pressing repeat on 'One Week' at full CD Boombox volume FOR HOURS.

I love the minimal beauty of the video as well.


Rabin's still gone? Shit.

Cool that you put my future wife Neko Case's album in your year end best of after your hack reviewer totally panned it: http://www.avclub.com/revie…