I genuinely surprised Gamestop is still in business.
I genuinely surprised Gamestop is still in business.
I agree with everything but calling him an incel. He’s a POS but he’s not an incel. I know that’s probably the least important point but blindly calling everyone an ‘incel’ lessens the word and doesn’t help.
I would think that the service workers who do really well by tips would be against making a change to the system, so I don’t think it’s as easy as saying make the change.
Toddler in an ill-fitting suit. He’d be the “children in a trenchcoat” meme but that asshole has no actual friends.
The funniest shit about how superficial chuds are, who prioritized that over actual abilities when they gave Jenn Psaki, who isn’t remotely ‘ugly’, shit for not being as ‘hot’ and that “we’re just [better looking]” as Kayleigh McEnany and Stephanie Grisham...while ignoring Suckabee, Spicer, were Press Secretaries and…
Thanks, genuinely, for explaining something I didn’t really think I had to considering I stated “especially any boots where there’s an inch or two of extra room at the toes.” And that, in reality, shoeware has varied shapes...? Like cowboy boots aren’t shaped at the toe the same as crocs, obviously...?
Sorry, I wasn’t being literal just noting for style with these types of boots and just generalizing based on the shoewear DeSantis has been wearing. I guess I didn’t imply that notion as well as I thought. Regardless, even my sneakers that actually fit ‘correctly’ still have the bend up at the toe from the way I walk,…
I mean, the 1.7 mile San Francisco Central Subway MUNI extension cost $2 fucking billion.
Maybe they counted the miles from riding the loop 6-7 times? lmao
In my experience, you’re right. Most of the time the kids are fine. Maybe a little loud but they’re kids. And most people take the kids outside when they throw a tantrum. But the ones that are bad are really bad, with the least considerate, asshole-ish parents. One experience still sticks in my mind where the parents…
I feel gross defending this POS in any capacity, I do think he’s probably wearing lifts, and it’s hilarious that his ‘height’ is an actual important issue for the GOP...but I’m a “toe walker” and my shoes tend to do the same curling up thing after a while. Especially any boots where there’s an inch or two of extra…
“Too complicated, would crash the car looking for one of those tiny buttons that all look the same.”
He ate her food, just not every dish. Like grilled mackerel and whatnot. He’d eat what white people generally eat these days, like tonkatsu and sukiyaki and whatnot.
My mom “spared” me from the embarrassment of having Japanese food for lunch and I just ate a sandwich and chips or whatever the cafeteria was serving. I kind of wish she hadn’t but this saint of a woman typically made two dinners each night because my white dad wouldn’t eat every Japanese meal so I get making things…
Was just going to say this. As Shannon reiterates, POCs have been called “uppity” since forever.
That’s what makes it genius to me.
“Akio Toyoda, chairman of the world’s largest automaker, Toyota...”
I agree. Having relatively few extremists on the left is essentially the same as having hundreds of extremists on the right. Totally the same thing.