Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

"She doesn't not remember the rest of her life, she remembers everything up until the accident."

The great irony now is that Jason Alexander wears a toupee in real life.

Considering they are generally viewed as a top-10 brewery in the world right now, the "talentless dudes who run that place" comment is pretty damn funny. I'm not even a huge fan, but when folks in England are flying over for it, you know you've made your mark.

Major red herring.

That is definitely *not* good fortune, my friend.

The Senate voted for her to become Vice President…she isn't a VP candidate any longer, she's actually the elected VP. Because the House is still deadlocked on President, and she is now VP, she becomes Acting President.

Uh, no. It's "scot free."


I can't see him on screen without thinking: "Linda, uh, it's me. I had to call you. It's about midnight. I was just having many beers."

Or some women just like men with power and access, regardless of how they look or how creepy they are.

The show specifically says that Democrats control the House.

Sigh, I guess we read the fake The Citadel episode in a very different way. It seemed to me that the Riflemen Singers were a pretty close-knit crew, and the only true friends of Frank's that we've ever been shown. Also, it took me about two seconds to find info where the show's own promo materials describe the

I said NOTHING about foundational. But it is obvious from EVERY piece of context that he was one of Francis's oldest and dearest friends from fake The Citadel. It was also obvious from that particular episode that Frank was, in fact, not at all discreet during those days. So, no. In fact, "hardly as you describe"

"Casual, friendly acquaintance"? Uh, this is like one of his two or three best and oldest friends from fake The Citadel. Hardly as you describe.

I love the fact that Marilyn Manson said he wasn't pissed about Armstrong threatening to kick his ass, but rather he was pissed that he appeared in the same line as Courtney Love.

Sure. But again, he left there thinking Chuck was doing fine vis a vis electronics. So choosing to mess with the meter in some way would be an odd choice to lash out.

You Get What You Give - New Radicals. FOR THE WIN.

Do YOU think Wendy is Kim? Just curious. It's one thing to "express your opinion." It's another to make the same illogical point in 7 different places on the same message board.

Yea, agreed. I don't think the hatred is vague, or any sort of a mystery. It's pretty well fleshed out across both shows.

Did not get the impression that Gus is going to kill Nacho even in the least. Just the opposite.