That is 100% false.
That is 100% false.
Shavar Ross aka Dudley aka I stripped for Gordon Jump is still kicking it as well.
Too bad he got away from the kidnappers.
Meanwhile Tootie is a…Real Housewife?
And to answer Evil Lincoln's question…I think it's safe to say that she looks fantastic in a bathing suit.
Jenna Von Oy. YUM.
It was the worst flashback of the entire series, IMO.
I think that's spot on. I don't think that he resented Red because she was Russian, or older, or even because she was a woman. He resented her for the respect she commanded from everyone else in the prison, extending even to the higher-ups.
The show however did make it a point to show that Piscatella overheard the discussion that indicated that she was responsible for killing the "guard."
I realize I'm likely to be in the minority on this, but I just finished the season, and I think it blows season 4 away.
This comment might be 5 years old, but it's still amazing.
This comment might be 5 years old, but it's still amazing.
It's unfair to take solo credit, as they've all been team efforts. But, yes, it can be a major slog. Well worth it when the results are good, though.
Without commenting on this case (I could go either way), I can assure you that you couldn't be more incorrect. Plenty of people have confessed to murders they didn't commit, including four of my clients who are now free.
I think that trip up his own ass started well before he even left Community.
Legit was so damn good. As stated above, perfect vehicle for his talents and style of comedy.
^^^^This. The Jimmy apologists on this board crack me up. He's.Not.A.Good.Dude. Never was, never will be.