Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

He actually said "remind me who works for who." Accomplished the same result, but in a more insulting way to Nacho.



Mom always said, "Don't play ball in the house."

That is absolutely absurd. There is ZERO chance that will be taking missions anytime soon by herself. The Center isn't going to trust her to do ANYTHING without extensive, extensive training. I get what you're saying about her becoming more "spy-like"…but at no point during this show will she be taking missions on

I got the same feeling. Felt like a bit of important foreshadowing to me.

Completely agree. She is not offended at all.

It would absolutely not have been awful. Different for sure. But not awful.

I get your point, but I just don't see Scott being typecast nearly as much as Howerton, mainly because I don't think Dan's sleaziness veers into a diabolical evil nearly as much as Dennis's does.

The problem I have with the Catherine character is that Sarah Sutherland is a horrible actress. On a show full of massive talents, she really stands out as the weak link. At least that's my opinion, and I feel like if she wasn't Kiefer's daughter, she wouldn't even be cast in a small-town production of The Wiz.

His characters weren't sleazy at all in My Boys or It's All Relative, the two series in which he was a main cast member before Veep.

Dillon is so good in that movie, he has so many great lines.

Are you serious? I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the audience for this show was aware that Gavin was the founder of Hooli. It has certainly been mentioned numerous times.

My thought exactly…betting Bachman is the father.

Neither of those things are even remotely similar to what Ehrlich did.

Poor Andrea.

4 years later, and still wrong.

I think seeing Gabriel again is entirely possible, and it wouldn't have to be shoe-horned, so to speak. Any additional appearance by Martha would seem ridiculously forced. She's in no position to be any sort of hero, or really to affect the plot in any meaningful way. Showing that she's alive played out more like

The best line of the season, in fact the best line of the series, was "Russ was right. This guy fucks!"

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