Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

It obviously is an important distinction, and the SPECIFIC purpose for Vikram's reference.

Maybe you missed the part where he was referring to…SITCOMS.

No, you were right, she was absolutely not in the 3rd episode.

Incorrect. She was not in the third episode either. Missing for two eps now.

Speaking of Dorothy…where the hell has she been?

Do an Google image search, and you will find some pictures that really bring out the quality you describe even moreso than on TV (some are NSFW, but plenty are)

I don't think Ollie knew more than we think he knew; that wasn't implied in the least.

There is zero doubt that yes, they ARE going to die that quick.

That's true about maybe the first 1/4 of Season 1…otherwise, wildly inaccurate.

My own personal opinion is that the Gideon murder is not intended to be a mystery at all, but should be taken at face value. I would be shocked if it plays out otherwise.

Actually, YOU should get with the program.

Steps out of shower…"Good morning."

as long as there are artisan pickles available…

Well, it IS possible to hook up a C-64 to the internet…


Terror? It was contrived hackery.

Yes…was meant to be a Bogey imitation. Which was obvious to anyone who's ever seen Casablanca.

Yes, was purely for ratings.

Don't forget local!