Jay V Of Considerable Influenc

I get your points, but I'm not completely on board with them. Yes, our view of Hamlin is certainly been from a very Jimmy-centric point of view so far. But his suggestion that Jimmy practice under a different name alone probably gives him his douche bonafides. And I believe it is evident that he does not have

I think he's being presented as more an uber-douche than a villain.

And he knows where Huell is…

Don't you also like Murder She Wrote????

Agreed, $140 is more than reasonable. Also, she pulled a was of cash out of her wallet, I'm not sure money was that scarce for her.

I think it's safe to say, that, no, it's not going to come back.

I agree about Henry…comparing him with Chris Brody is pure laziness that isn't even remotely accurate.

So, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned a nice little "moment in time" element of the episode last night…as Philip & Kimberly are watching TV, there is a brief snippet of Australian Rules Football…which in the early days of ESPN, comprised about 50% of its programming.

I do not agree with you about the granny's house, I think that is easily covered, but I completely agree about the Clark/Martha marriage — it is by far the least believable aspect of the show for me.

No, but I can definitely see a similar scene in Philip's future.

Well, it is established that they have employees. And while I agree that money is funnelled though the agency, I also believe that they certainly have plenty of actual, paying customers.

It is a cover, but it's not "just a cover." It is actually a functioning, presumably revenue-producing business with multiple employees who are not aware of the whole "our bosses are spies " thing. So, yea, it IS actually like he has to do work there.

I think the writers certainly have planted that idea.

"something has to give with Martha soon, no?"

I get and agree with your larger point… but Johnnie Walker is most definitely NOT American whisky.

The Americans? Rectify? Broad City? GOT and Orphan Black are definitely not it.

No, it's not even close. Ann & Chris were never even remotely as integral to P&R as Troy was to Community. Not even in the same stratosphere.

I'm not saying that your premise has zero chance period, just that there is zero chance they go in that direction at the end of just the first season.

We do not know.

Speaking of laser tag…it makes an appearance this season at some point for sure…right?