@Squirrelbot3000: i really think so.
@Squirrelbot3000: i really think so.
<—— yes i do enjoy yoshi
@IanOliver: done!
@ggp9690: it really isn't that simple.
@Benedinho: fruit/bread = carbs = sugar = your body produces more insulin = BAD
@S1LV3R_F0X: it's actually not that bad for you compared to other fast food "sandwiches"
@Ashurahori: I realize OMGLX asked for the "entire name"... so your point is understood.
@Islandkiwi: here is a nice article about the flat tax (and fair tax): [mises.org]
@angryhead: 'shopped!
@arionfrost: "lol"
1. The Airborne Toxic Event – Wishing Well
it's a nice addition when making a vinaigrette.