Jay Smithart

I agree, but somehow that all works perfectly.
Is it Gaga's lack of acting experience, or is she deliberately/brilliantly channeling a reenactor trying too hard for My Roanoke Nightmare? One could successfully make a case for either.

You're not the only one, but you're in the minority. For all that the season had going for it (costuming, soundtrack, sets, a PHENOMENAL cast, etc.), the writing and pacing were wretched.

90% sure I saw a powdered wig, that was Mott.

Dude chill out, of course I don't have "insider knowledge," I was just trying to pose a possible answer.

Wow, what a whiplash on quality, this season has gone from middling-good to f*cking brilliant! After 2 to 3 seasons of mediocrity, this proves that the writers can do good work.

Oh get over yourself, she made a mistake.
I'll grant you it was a large one, but if anything, that was her trying to give this show and its writers more credit than they were due. They started off strong trying to make a point about mistrust of the police in the Black community and historic injustices carried out

I agree that he deserves more prestige work, and I'll agree that his March was an utter delight, but still, Edward Mott lays the camp on pretty hard. It's not his speech that bothers me, it's the clothes and that wig. He'd look FAR more appropriate in the court of Louis XIV than in 1792 North Carolina. If only the wig

Look I love reference humor as much as the next person, but didn't you find it a little hollow? What did it add to the show except for to let the audience know that yes, in fact, the writers have seen the grudge. Homage only really works when it adds to the situation, uniquely deviates the original and turns the

What the Hell did I watch? I'm left with more questions than answers after last night's episode:
*Guinness neglected to mention the servants locked in the root cellar. WHY??!! Did he forget? Was he evil? Did he witness the mob and the sight of it all left him too shocked to think straight? Wouldn't it benefit him to

Talk about angsty… This season has been repetitive, meandering, and utterly failed to get us to invest meaningfully in these characters. The reviewer is TRYING to be fair yet firm with her critique. Furthermore, she's very clearly indicated that she does like the series, but anyone with even a shred of integrity can

That's an interesting find, I never would have believed that something so outlandish was possible. Let me clarify, I totally believe that nurses would kill their patients (I've heard of Angel of Mercy Condition before), but the idea that they did it to spell out "murder" struck me as ridiculous. And this show didn't

For the past 3 or so years, this series has been lacking a good editor. I'm not talking about whoever assembles and exports the filmed scenes, I'm talking about someone who judges the merit of all the ideas thrown together.

Can we really blame her for ditching this gang of abject losers? Through hitching along with them, she's lost her mom, she's lost her dad, she's lost her will to carry on.
She took the truck to go search for the final piece of her life AFTER the group reached a secure-looking shelter (she left before the zombies popped

Let's face facts, there was NO reason for Andres to die, except for the fact that Hector got riled up and demanded blood for blood. WHY did that happen?

Much better

Cheers Archer, it's been one wild ride though the danger zone.

Thank you! I couldn't quite express what was bugging me about this so far, but I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm glad that we've finally got the story moving and a clear conflict in mind (a little girl is missing and there's ghosts colonists who took her), but after last night, episode 2 seems to really stand

Because, wholly unnecessarily, Murphy decided to connect all of the seasons even though this series was promised as an anthology of unjoined stories. So because of that, we're forcing a connection to Season 1's Piggy Man.

I'd say that's stupid, cause it is, but it's just stupid enough to work! (or for AHS to try it)

I agree, totally thought the re-enactments looked too polished. Maybe things will pick up, but so far the first episode failed to hook me.