Jay See

Thanks so much for linking "Trump" and "blasted in the face". No, really.

No, Trump is still alive.

Happy CancerAIDS!

$100,000 Pyramid

Salamander, Hogules, Antlers, Zebreus, Abalone and Monkury.

Selena for grace, Hippolyta for strength, Ariadne (later changed to Artemis, Greek Goddess of the hunt) for skill, Zephyrus for fleetness (and flight), Aurora (later changed to Greek Goddess Aphrodite) for beauty, and Minerva for wisdom.

The full Senate confirmed, on a party-line vote, the appointment of John K. Bush to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The lifetime appointment goes to a man with a history of sexist and anti-LGBT statements and opinions, who feels comfortable using "f@ggot" in casual conversation. He is unqualified and unfit to

Jeopardy! Point of Order! In seeking the identity of the composer portrayed by Robert Alda in Rhapsody In Blue the judges accepted "Who is Gershwin?" as correct. There is a second prominent composer with the surname Gershwin who, in fact, also appeared as a character in the aforementioned film (albeit not portrayed by

Stupid monkey.

McCain is such a weird case. He's a hero of a war we hate, he's an elder statesman of a party we abhor. His life has earned him respect but his politics have earned him opprobrium. There is no easy answer in our Like/thumbs down world.

"A crew of teenage detasselers"

Jeopardy! Objection! In seeking "What is the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come?" (or the accepted response, "What is the Ghost of Christmas Future?") the writers identified it as both the third and the scariest of the ghosts who visited Scrooge on Christmas Eve. While it may well have been the scariest, it was assuredly

You joke but I have gone to the mat more than once for Porky's and Porky's 2. Plots about racism and anti-semitism in rural Florida in the 50s, free speech vs religious fundamentalism and equal opportunity nudity at a time when men dropping trou on camera was practically unheard of. Lotta worse ways to spend a couple

If you mean that to include the terrible Archie Bunker's Place then I agree.


$100,000 Pyramid

If I could revisit an HBO sports-themed series it'd be First and 10. Pre-Designing Women Delta Burke as a woman who gets her husband's football team in the divorce after she catches him buggering one of the players. I remember liking it quite a bit as a callow youth but I have to imagine it hasn't aged terribly well.

I was all ready to be a smartass about how Arli$$ is available via HBO Go but a double-check informs me that it is not. Jonah From Tonga is, though, which still fires a big hole through your theory.

I have a half-dozen HBO channels. You'd think with that many hours of airtime to fill they'd recycle some of those series, along with the recordings of live plays that were once a staple. They already own this stuff and royalties can't be that great a concern. From a purely economic stance they'd want to use it.

Ugh, that shit used to happen to me all the time when I freelanced! One time they inserted out of nowhere that some minor celebrity I was profiling looked like "Ricky Martin with frosted tips". I was both livid and mortified.