Jay See

If the GOP gets any sort of health plan through, the next thing on the agenda will be passing legislation prohibiting states from passing health coverage that's more comprehensive than federal law because state's rights only apply to enshrining social prejudices and fucking poor people.

Dick Burr interrupted and hushed Senator Kamala Harris in open committee.


I…kinda liked Atlas Shrugged. I still would like to see a decent filmic treatment of it, maximizing the action and minimizing the politics.

I decided that the emphasis that the king bore a I meant that it had to be a king who isn't usually associated with a Roman numeral at all. I went back and forth between William the Conqueror and Alfred the Great for the full 30 and was…frankly not at all surprised that neither was correct.

Stuck. The. Landing.

I don't hate Tyra. I rarely think of her at all unless she pops up in a bit or at a coronation. I just don't think she deserved the win. IMHO she didn't deserve the win in the country challenge or the wedding challenge and she won the ball challenge based on a dress she brought from home. It's no accident that the

Tyra was a walking clothes hanger and the only RPDR who utterly did not deserve the win. Her mama taught her a couple of old-school ball tricks (e.g. rising from the floor in the wedding gown challenge) and Ru let herself get dazzled by the bullshit.

1) Best LSFYL performance by a c*nty I mean country (I mean c*nty) mile. Yaasss Peppermint!

Realness means trying to look as much like who or what you're portraying as possible. It used to specifically mean how much like an actual woman a drag queen looked but through the ball culture the definition has expanded. So when the brief is "dog park realness" your look should be as close to what an actual

Latrice had two bad looks out of three at the Bitch Ball. Phi Phi had three, including one that missed the brief to a degree that was beyond ridiculous. The brief was "dog park realness" and she turns up wearing that Sailor Moon knockoff garbage. The guest judges especially were all "I don't care about realness"

It's almost not fair to judge season 1 alongside the other seasons just because it was such a strange new creature. It's really too bad that AS1 was such a shitshow because so many of the S1 queens deserved a legitimate second shot.

After Patrick's stunt in this last episode I am comfortable putting Patrick in the 100% disgusting pile. You wanna stir the shit Paddy? Fne, stir the shit but don't pretend like you're walking some righteous path and not just a shit-stirrer. Or if you really believe you're righteous, then gurl you needs to get your

It's better than either incarnation of A-List but then, it pretty much would have to be by definition. A few of the people are genuinely likeable but the drama between the two shitty queens (Cheyenne and especially Patrick) suck a lot of the air out of the room. It's weird how obviously far after the fact the talking

I mean, at least in these instances the performances by Valentina and Shea justified their placements. No screw jobs, unlike Pandora getting cut on this very challenge because the judges missed the point of her performance or Latrice being forced to go country instead of goddamn Phi Phi at the Bitch Ball.

At least Logo has learned its lesson from A-List NY and cut the number of appalling garbage people on Fire Island to two instead of A-List's seven (including that awful woman from season 2).

My take: Ru put Shea in the bottom because Ru believes Shea is the stronger performer and Mama was not taking ant chances she would have to keep Nina uh-gain. But honestly Shea would have had to bodyslam Ross Matthews through the Spanish announcer's table to be sent home, and even then…

"Please know the words, please know the words, please…"

Jeopardy! Objection!

Although I did wonder how that bullet managed to catch up to someone moving at super speed…