Jay See

Ah but you see that only applies to criminal procedure. This is civil forfeiture. The argument is that since the system allows the opportunity to recover the seized property Due Process is satisfied. This is of course horseshit and seized property is almost never recovered but there you go.

It shows up in regular rotation on several of the nostalgia channels. I believe it's currently running weekends on Antenna.

Other delightful provisions: It repeals the cap on how much of a CEO's salary can be deducted from the company's taxable income and it charges a 30% premium penalty to anyone who obtains coverage after a previous 62-day lapse. The GOP really did not miss a trick in fucking over shifting burdens from the poorest to the

Underground suffered for me the same fate as almost every other WGN America show. It was scheduled across from something I was more interested in and, not having a DVR, I depended on repeats later in the week to catch it. WGN would start off the season (same as they did with Salem) by repeating the episode at least

Judges say, "No dice!"

An Oleg-arc.

:::Spike Lee angrily tweets SpaghettiCat's home address:::

Hey, if recent African American victims of institutional violence wanted to be treated seriously by the media they should have had the good sense to be born pretty white girls.

Powell and Koon at least did some federal time but the other two were acquitted at both the state and federal levels. So…justice?

Thank God we live in a time where white police officers no longer have to beat unarmed black men and can now just go ahead and shoot them.

There has not been more than one Chief Justice Marshall though. It's different from a clue seeking one of the two Presidents Adams, Harrison, Johnson, Roosevelt or Bush.

Is it wrong that, despite my love for Twin Peaks, I was secretly hoping the Log Lady clue would be a Triple Stumper?

"Do you know where I can get this inked?" Chick is all of the worst aspects of Pacific Northwest hipster douche-ism wrapped inside Grizzly Adams. I hope they don't go this meta but I can see the series ending with Chick making the rounds of the talk shows with his terrible book, explaining Norman the way the

Kevin Sorbo stars in Zod's Not Dead.

Within hours of the rollback being announced Betsy DeVos tweeted that all students, including LGBTQ students, deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

With her being the only one of nine semi-finalists to formulate a correct response to Final Jeopardy!, Lilly should be proclaimed College Tournament Champion by fiat, preferably delivered by the unquiet shade of Merv Griffin.

I would use Kit Harrington heavily, if you know what I mean.

Sex. I mean sex.

I have no answer to your question but it did inspire me to open up the ABC app on my iPad for the first time in over a year and I discovered there is a six-part Agents of SHIELD digital series centered around Yo-Yo, so thanks for asking it!

White people, they pat themselves on the back like this, but black people, they pat themselves on the back like this!

Oh that reminds me, I need to unfollow all my witty homosexuals on Twitter before Sunday. I love them all but there are only so many "Kate Winslet is disdainful" one-liners a sane man can stand!