Jay See

Although initially released in 1977, Charlene's "I've Never Been To Me" didn't hit until 1982 and that has to be a contender for the melodrama crown.

I Have A Ball, Perhaps You'd Like To Bounce It, Internet.

Although he didn't get a lot to do Shaw is terrific as Doyle Lonnegan in The Sting. His discourse on the ethics of shooting someone for cheating at cards when you yourself were also cheating at cards is tremendous.

Something Wild is such a great under-appreciated film. Melanie Griffith, Jeff Daniels and Ray Liotta are all great in it and it throws a fantastic curve into the middle of what's shaping up to be a wacky road trip/quirky romcom with the third act introduction of Liotta's Ray as Griffith's insane ex. A stellar

Animal Kingdom features family drama, crime capers, a psychotic killer, copious drug use, a secret gay, possible incest and mounds and mounds of man-ass. It would've been a perfect show for AVC to cover, if AVC still covered television.

That's why I quit streaming using the Shatnr app.

I decided after suffering through Bright Lights, Big City that I was not giving Jay McInerney any more chances (and hell, I even gave Tama Janowitz two bites at the apple). After reading this review and its discussion of his other work it sounds like I saved myself quite a few valuable hours over the last three

Profiler is also the first TV series I can recall that had a big online presence and promoted itself using an interactive website. One of the season cliffhangers had the main antagonist, "Jack Of All Trades", send the profiler a massive puzzle. NBC put the puzzle online as part of a big between-season promotion,

Coincidentally I went through my old videotapes yesterday, seeing if there were any whose contents I had duplicated on DVD so I could get rid of the tape. Out of about 400 tapes I was able to eliminate…one. Exactly one. A bootleg copy of Eraserhead that someone lent me in exchange for my copy of Lynch's early short

I'm sure Rupert could spare one of his.

Much as I enjoy Tootsie (and am indifferent to Little Big Man although it deserves credit for its portrayal of a Native American two-spirit) my favorite Hoffman film is Marathon Man. Stellar performances from Hoffman and Olivier, strong supporting performances from William Devane and a surprisingly toothsome Roy

I only recognize one AIP and that is American International Pictures!

The NBC Sports app so far seems to be doing quite a good job of coverage. There's a wide variety of sports and they seem to be picking up feeds from other countries so there is approximately a metric shit-ton less jingoistic American bullshit from the announcers. I watched the Brazil-Australia water polo match and the

They named Stabler's son Dickie. It was as close as network was gonna get to the Little Meloni.

You already got Jeopardy, why you gotta step on my Pyramid recaps?

"Talk to the hands up, don't shoot!"

I watched Hooper a month or so back (was it on TCM? I think it was) and, the odd homophobic joke aside, it holds up really well. Jocko, Hooper and the Kid showing stuntmen at three stages of their careers, with each older man serving as an example of how the younger one could add up, brought real depth to it. And I

If she wasn't going to win the Oscar for The Incredible Shrinking Woman it just wasn't meant to be.

:::Holds up folder to block RANKLIN P. H:::

Grimjack is my favorite comic book series of all time. I would give a year off my life for an animated series. I'd give another year if the Grimjack segments were 20 minutes long with five-minute Munden's Bar segments at the end.