Jay See

Cheez Jizz

Wouldn't it be easier to just answer their questions by saying "Look, children! Look at what we have wrought!" and weeping uncontrollably?

I will agree with Voyage Home although Search For Khan is a technically better film, because IV had such joy about it. It was a fun movie at a time when the franchise needed to lighten up. Plus I unashamedly cheered when their vessel moved past that decoy ship and the crew saw they would be on the ENTERPRISE.

We did! :::fires confetti cannon:::

I may be the only person alive advocating for a restoration/DVD release of Madame's Place.

Human Goofy Hormones?

Tell your Donald Trump to drag Walton and Lanier up and down the court for 48 minutes!

Rush earned an eternal "fuck you forever" when he held up a picture of teenage Chelsea Clinton and called her "the White House dog". Fuck you forever.

And that is why you don't leave money on the table on a round one Daily Double, Tyler (His name in my head is Tyler regardless of his actual name because fuck you Tyler). All things being equal that extra thousand would have given you the runaway. Not that I wanted you to win, with your puffed up hairdo and your

Gold Monkey. The Monkey was Gold.

So literally six new articles drop "above the fold" before 12:07 AM CDT and WOT is not up? I STAYED SOBER FOR WOT, A.V. CLUB.

I'll be Driving voters so they don't Miss election Day, see?

Clark sent her the baby blanket from her ship but I am fairly certain that she already had her costume by then.

Pretty sure they said the cape was made of some high tech material that Winn had lying around the way that an IT guy at a media company definitely would. They went through a couple iterations of it because lesser materials kept shredding when she flew.

Can we really work on calling it the Berlantiverse going forward? It saddens me that this fantastic shared universe is named after its shittiest show.

I grew up in Michigan and the summer camp I went to showed Somewhere In Time every year because it was filmed on Macinac Island. Just the sort of entertainment pre-teen and teenage boys were looking for on those long nights at sleepaway camp.

I'll thank you not to talk about your Uncle Harold that way.

This is what happens when you send a Superboy to do a Superman's job.

I'm unused to seeing it shaved. He always rocked full-on stubble in his Teen Wolf days. Still looks as pissed off now as he did then, though.

So an asshole found his way onto the Internet.