Jay See


Tim Reid should always be promoting Frank's Place.

Getting Pail?

He starred in Ed. Chimp movies always win. That's just science.

As frequently and fervently as they try, RNC song dissonance will never get more jarring than the 1992 convention when, after a solid week of Declaring Culture Wars On Everything But Especially Homosexuals And Their Deviant Art, George H.W. Bush took the stage to the strains of "The Best Of Times Is Now", a song from L

I understand and appreciate that you type these up ahead of time, I do the same with my Pyramid recaps and back when I used to review my own videotape collection, but going forward imma need to ask you to fix your line breaks. Your posts are very long and the jagged line breaks make them much more difficult to read

$100,000 Pyramid

Since the show both has Norman actively hallucinate Norma and has taken to swapping out Highsmith for Farmiga when Norman becomes Mother (not to mention that Farmiga has an executive producer credit) there is no way the last season will happen without both Norma and Mother.

Dwarf Puns
This Time, It's a Little Personal

— Miami P.D.

"There's my Hindu, there's my Hindu right there!"

Everyone who dismissed or even seriously described this series as "the gay Girls" should be beaten severely with their own keyboards. That's exactly the sort of lazy "I'm so clever" criticism that sank the show.

The latest is that he was aiming for the autistic guy, AKA the other unarmed black man, and missed.

Over the years he's had something of a difficult relationship with his role in the film, going so far as to deliberately stay a little overweight for many years to avoid being pegged as a sex symbol. It's good to know that he has made his peace with it.

Cocky Whorer.

If fear of litigation was really at the heart of withholding those episodes from the DVD releases then they probably wouldn't have remained available in the syndication package. Even if Crawford did decide to sue over the "Mindy Moleford" character, parody is a rock solid defense and regardless, what damages can she

Yeah that's great and all, but can we please have a DVD release of the complete animated series? Not another "release season one with an episode missing and piss off the fans then do the same with season two and then blame the fans who refused to buy your shitty incomplete season sets for not bothering to release any

I'd waste a lot less time on Netflix if they would stop hiding my goddamn "My List". I can't count the number of times I've scrolled through that damn screen on my tablet because they can't just leave the fucking thing at the top of the page where it belongs.

"I'm a creep.
"I'm a weirdo.
"What the hell am I doing here?"

Desperate Living's Mortville is a contender.