Jay See

Wonder Woman could not fly from the time of her introduction until her Perez reboot in 1987. She could "glide on air currents" short-term but for distance she needed the plane. It was scrapped in the reboot but some years later returned under a John Byrne run on the title.

There was also the Cathy Lee Crosby failed pilot and the failed pilot produced by William Dozier.

Now Wu See Me

Trumpence! You can do stupid things!

TrumpPence, prudently, thriftilly, frugally invested in the bank!

The Dowd abides.

Silicuncanny Valley

I'm not talking about the book, I'm talking about the movie, and the movie was the first I saw in which the Noble Homosexual™ was sacrificed to further the Straight Hero's Journey. Go glib fuck yourself.

Ah, Kiss Of the Spider Woman! The film that first instructed young Jay See that the proper cinematic role of the homosexual is to die in service of the heterosexual hero. Oh well, at least Valentin let Molina give him a pity blow job before Molina got unceremoniously murdered in the street.

Marco Rubio hitched a ride on AF1 as well, to the Orlando memorial. I just wonder exactly how awkward the silences were during that ride and Cruz's.

Also, Jeopardy! tweeted Hilary to ask if she enjoyed being a clue in today's game and surprisingly embedded the First Lady question and not BENGHAZI!!!!!1!!1111

I suppose I should be happy that someone from my current home town is the J! champion but Jesus, Sue is annoying as fuck. It takes functionally no more time to say "what is" instead of "what's" and starting every question with "what's" is, again, annoying as fuck. Also, it's a holdover from my days working for

James T. Birkenstock

Remember when we used to make out to this hymn?

It was both. Italian nationals were classified as "enemy aliens" under Title 50 and Italian Americans fell under the same evacuation authority as Japanese American citizens.

Italians and Italian Americans were also subject to internment. The U.S. really hit the Axis Trifecta on human rights violations.

Not to worry, the Supreme Court gave internment camps its seal of approval in Korematsu v. United States, a decision which technically has never been overturned and remains binding precedent across the nation.

Fun Fact: The Nutcracker was the original working title for the Ghostbusters reboot.

:::leans against wall, squints sensually:::