Jay See

Don't forget the dad from 7th Heaven is an admitted child molester.

If it involves Malcom Merlyn getting it on with any (or every) member of the Legends crew I vote yes.

In a perfect universe that would be how it plays out but in a franchise film that already has seven leads there isn't a chance in hell that a new character is going to be given the time to be interesting and compelling with valuable viewpoints and whatnot.

An opinion slightly to the contrary: Brooks's sneering at the idea that a woman could be raped by a date makes it hard to empathize with his character and is a pretty big black mark on an otherwise very good film indeed.

"It's green!"

All of the other primary characters had at least one sexual/romantic interest. McCoy fell in love with a native in "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky". Chekhov was trying to get cozy with that lady ensign in "The Apple" and we met one of his exes in "Attack of the Space Hippies". Spock had pon farr

"Bitch, 'second star on the right and straight on 'til morning' is not a course!"

"I have been, and always shall be, your GBF."

Was Original Recipe Sulu fully fleshed out though? What really do we know about his personal life? He was born in San Francisco, he has a daughter. That's it.

I have long maintained that Mirror-Sulu's aggressive heterosexuality is the strongest evidence of Sulu-Prime's homosexuality since so many Mirror Universe have the opposite sexuality of their Prime counterparts.

While I respect George Takei immensely he has fallen into the trap of assuming that if a character is not expressly stated in the canon to be non-heterosexual then the character is heterosexual by default. Just because Sulu was not presented as having a same-sex love interest in canon doesn't mean he was "closeted".

He's more jerky than man now.

He did once have Tuvok inside him.

Sulu once referred to Uhura as "fair maiden" (sparking my favorite Trek line ever, "Sorry, neither.") which is what a lot of "Sulu is straight" folks hang their hats upon. He's also a hetero-horndog in the Mirror Universe, which since it's an evil opposite universe can be read as a tacit acknowledgement of Sulu's

Berman's infuriating quote: "It’s something that Michael [Piller] and I discussed. It’s something that Brannon Braga and I discussed, that Jeri Taylor and I discussed, and we never really got around to coming up with a way of just adding a gay character."

Something something John Cho-king on cock.

"the meticulously detailed crime saga, which was single-handed [sic] revitalized by the Serial podcast"

Billy's bare ass specifically may not have registered but the mini-series definitely angried up the blood of the radical right. One station in Tennessee pulled the broadcast hours before it was scheduled to air because of a bomb threat. Georgia passed a resolution urging its PBS stations to refuse it and the

It's still moderated. I suggest reposting the entire comment without the link because your comment will never be unmodded. I stumbled across a comment of mine that got modded over two years ago (in a Hannibal thread) and it's still modded.

And said scene was greatly appreciated and made my interest in a closeted queer male character who looked to be on a trajectory either toward yet another trite coming out scene or yet another queer death skyrocket. But that's not a science fiction show and doesn't fit with the premise of the article.