Jay See

"That Same Episode of Celebrity Name Game That's On EVERY GODDAMN TIME's Nicole Sullivan"

So going from left to right: Generic Blonde, Ethnic, Black Guy, Black Girl, Douchebro, Slightly More Attractive Douchebro, Wacky Girl, Gay.

Alfred E. NO-man.

:::MC Hammer politely asks you to step away:::

And none of them are his parents.

You laugh, but all three of the major networks did Amy Fisher movies, including two that were scheduled across from each other on the same night.

Yes, originally Wonder Woman had the ability to glide on air currents. Also the ability to thread a needle underwater, perhaps the most useful skill for battling evil ever.

— Joe Piscopo's former drug dealer

That'd be a real Wun Wun situation.

And your point is…what exactly?

Unfortunately if that were to happen Dan Savage and the offenderati would shriek "He was fired because he's gay!" and not "He was fired because he's an asshole!"

Ah, so you're a troll. Good to know.

Right, because no gay actor ever has lost out on a role for being gay. That's never happened. Nope, not even once.

Oh fuck you and your closet shaming. Did you ever hesitate, in any situation ever, to come out? If so, good for you, you're one up on 100% of the LGBT community minus you. I've been fired for being gay. I've been discriminated against in housing. Sometimes it's not about being out and proud and strengthening the

It's a post-menopausal AV Club

Jack Smith, Stan's father from American Dad! was undoubtedly left off the list because AVC's well-documented antipathy for the show probably means none of the contributors have heard of him. Abandoned Stan to become an international jewel thief and after some less-than-favorable father-son reunions wound up taking a

Dubya's real reason for invading Iraq was "After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time." He concocted outrageous lies, squandered billions of dollars and cost the lives, bodies and minds of more Americans than any terrorist organization could ever dream of killing. No man who does that out of petty

I usually can't stand Anderson but there were enough other people absorbing oxygen in the room that I was able to make it through. Betty White really needs to retire the Dirty Grandma routine.

Right, a "sober" Homer Simpson. Dubya may not have been actively drinking in office but he was white-knucklin' the shit out of it.

Me, before the episodes aired: "Four brothers, which one's the closet case?"
Me, halfway through episode two: "Oh, it's Deran. OK."