Jay See

Is the hottest and most delightful quasi-lesbian couple Xena and Gabrielle? Asking for a friend.

That smug fucking look on Norman's face when he hands Romero back that ring in the chapel? Fucking Emma would have punched Norman at that moment.

Holy shit, "I'll Be Home For Christmas" as the closing number? "I'll be home for Christmas / If only in my dreams." Pitch. Fucking. Black.


Wait, there are non-pornographic entertainments?!

Did everyone go into conniptions over Eddie Redmayne in The Danish Girl? I recall people being pissed that the trans character's love interest was straightwashed from being bisexual.

Oh I think he'll be served all right…IN ACT THREE!

FOX already airs Lucifer.

It can be two things.

It doesn't star Adam Lambert. He plays Eddie, who has one fantastic number and then SPOILER FOR 41 YEAR OLD MOVIE dies off-stage. I don't care for Lambert's music but he is a hell of a performer so he should do well with this.

Jesus, I can't even begin to imagine the nervous breakdown Franko's gonna have updating Cancellation League when this lot gets mowed down like ducks at a shooting gallery.

What took him so long? Did he not watch his own movies before that?

Foo man, shoo!

A Rush TV show? That's so 2112!

"Fools, Rush Out"

Cop Rocks Off

As a long time Wisconsinite I am obliged to inform you that there is no such thing as "too much cheese".

Did you get your clearance, Clarence?

I got a passport in 2000 and had to submit a certified copy of my birth certificate. To get that I just had to mail a check to the county seat where I was born and they sent it right out. To get a new passport post-9/11 I had to mail in my expired passport with no additional documentation. I haven't had to get another

Illinois does not have a voter ID law, which is hilarious given Illinois' proud history of having the highest turnout among dead voters in the country.