Jay See

And she chose to restore her powers, knowing full well how she behaved while she had them the first time. It's more than disingenuous to try to excuse Adalind's behaviour under the influence when she specifically sought out that influence.

Maybe I've been reading the wrong reviews or reading them differently but I haven't noticed a lot of criticism against table-setting unless it's table-setting for (for lack of a better way to put it) the sake of it. Shows deliberately throwing themselves into a holding pattern because they have an order to fill (TWD

If there isn't a blooper reel of Clive Owen popping that piece of brain in his mouth and munching away I will be very disappointed.

These were both delightful low-rent entertainment but neither of them holds a candle to USA's glittering crown jewel of 1980s programming, Night Flight. For insulated Midwestern kids like myself the window into the worlds of punk, New Wave and other non-mainstream genres was invaluable. The cost of cable in the day

Speaking only of the "Men On…" sketches Damon Wayans has stated that Fox would let them shoot whatever they wanted and then go in after the fact and gut them. The last original "Men On…" sketch aired in February 1993 and the show continued for another year after that but the sketch likely ended because Wayans left the

It comes down to A) what the creators are willing to include and B) how much clout the creator has. Shonda Rhimes wants hot gay sex and she has the clout to deliver. The people behind MF probably have the clout but not the interest.

Things came to a head (so to speak) in season one when, after Phil & Claire and Mitch & Cam reunited after a frantic dash to the airport P/C kissed and M/C hugged. Even the show's biggest "well they just aren't that physical" apologists were like "that's messed up." The creators did an episode in season two that

ABC Family has been incredibly gay-inclusive since IIRC Greek in 2007. Which makes me very happy because it means Pat Robertson's contractually mandated 700 Club broadcasts frequently run immediately following an episode that features the sort of gay character that would make his head explode if he weren't senile.

I was a little distracted, did the show really say that Sinclair got a warrant to wiretap Annalise's office to eavesdrop on privileged communication and work product?

At least she apparently cleaned up the dead family dog…

There's something about Cheyenne Jackson lying naked on his stomach like an old-timey bearskin rug baby picture that is simultaneously appealing and revolting. Can't say as I'm not disappointed at not getting the fluffing scene though.

Fat shaming.

As long as we're asking Discus questions, can someone please post instructions on how to make comments appear in that machine-looking sans serif font?

The comments are coming from inside the house!

The two Lanie story lines I can recall are "Lanie persuades Javi to pretend to be her fiancé for her visiting parents" and "Lanie is shaken when a murder victim is her exact double because serial killer" so the answer is clearly yes, it would kill the show to give Lanie a decent story line once in a while.

:::uploading a thousand blessings to tipa:::

Run sub-routine 11B: JAZZ HANDS

My initial (heh) response to the FJ reveal was "That's not an abbreviation, it's an initialism!" (It's both) I had no idea and the word "orthodox" did me no favors as I associate that word with religion. Had the clue read "ideological" I think I would have had a better shot.

"DMK? Who the fuck is DMK?"

Through the use of P.O.V. pornography?