Jay See

Thank you for acknowledging my emotions.

"Fox seems even more willing to let well-reviewed shows with small but desirable audiences continue for at least a few years"


Well he

It's not that difficult to date her. Just saw her in half and count the rings.

I am an unapologetic fan. The show is a hell of a lot of fun and it seems like the people involved with it are having tremendous fun making it. It delivers exactly what it advertises and you can't ask for more.

It can be two things,

You kill Oliver? WE RIOT.

Explains why Claire dies: That's good!
Doesn't explain why Nathan's powers work so radically differently from Hiro's: That's bad!
Watching this series earns you a free frozen yogurt; I call it frogurt!

That deep bow Ichabod does in greeting Ms. Corinth just slays me. It is absolutely ridiculous and any woman confronted by it in the real would dart her eyes nervously but Tom Mison makes it utterly charming and oddly hot.

He ran out of Bat Death Repellant Spray.

:::dances the Batusi of Sorrow:::


:::Spike Lee jocularly invites Busta Rhymes over to screen Halloween 8:::

It looks just like Skinny 'n' Sweet, except for the little skull and crossbones on the label!

Old Man Yells At Cloud City

Pander. Or pander not. There is no try.

Well as long as you got some hand at the end of the evening, that's what's important.


As much as I hated this film, I hated the blatant emotional manipulation of that scene more than any of the rest of it, with the possible exception of Sandra Bullock literally directly quoting Jessica Tandy in Driving Miss Daisy when she tells the maid she treats like dirt that the maid is

But she's a new series regular on Criminal Minds! Ain't no money like CBS procedural money!