Jay See

Greyjoy, um, Grey.

Astronaut Based On Real World Timelines NASA Would Have Sent Will Into Space At Age 19, So No

It can be two things.

Fun Fact: The names of Will Daniels's deceased crew mates are those of other fictional astronauts. "Austin" is named for Steve Austin from The Six Million Dollar Man, "Brubaker" is named for Charles Brubaker from Capricorn One and "Taylor" is named for George Taylor from Planet of the Apes.

"I said, 'Don't Look Ethel!' but it was too late. She'd already been Vanced!"

Lauren Holly was fantastic in Picket Fences and the idea that she should be best remembered for her terribly-conceived and terribly-written and terribly-disposed of character on NCIS saddens me. Seriously, the major component of her arc was "But you're a girl!"

Jayne sez, "Gimme credit for half-ass wrong answers." I can't remember ever actively loathing someone faster than I started hating Jayne.

:::cues up "Sabre Dance":::

Einstein invented relativity, so clearly he's into incest.

♫ Flash and Arrow in the moo-ooor-ning! ♫

"I think Jax is probably a bit too 'street' for Firestorm."

Maybe it's because I would up marathoning the first three episodes, maybe it's because I burned out on the Nanda Parbat stuff last season, maybe it's because I still am not a huge fan of Laurel or maybe it's because it was so completely separated from the rest of the action but the Sara revival just felt completely

Once you almost go sis, other girls you won't miss.

He used the same hypo he used in "Tricksters" to inoculate everyone in seconds. Let's hope he remembered to clean it between uses this time.

I want King Shark and Weather Wizard to team up just so I can watch Cisco's head explode trying to come up with a name for them.

The LoT-building bothered me a lot less here than it did in the first few episodes of Arrow which is odd because I like this show so much better than that one.

Whoever wins, we all lose.

October 20. It really ran long.

Hey The Brink, does that mean you're done with that enormous prosthetic penis? Asking for a friend.

Hey The Brink, does that mean you're done with that enormous prosthetic penis? Asking for a friend.