Jay See

"More than $10,000".

For which I assume you are eternally grateful.

It's the French Disease, Charlie Brown!

All right, I admit that my assessment of the Peanuts movies may be influenced by lingering resentment at being made to see Race for Your Life Charlie Brown in the theater instead of watching Star Wars for the 18th time.


After the spike on his helmet? Is that what you're suggesting, that Snoopy's brother is a filthy Hun?

Their big-screen debut? Haven't there been like a dozen theatrically released Peanuts movies? I mean they were pretty uniformly terrible but they still existed.

That's so Johnny Snow.

Here, have the keys to a shiny new Australia.

She will, and it will be Elias the gay analyst because every girl gotta have her GBF!

Since the remaining twin was calling out "Nimah?" before finding the note, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say she's Raina. But knowing this show we might just discover that she was calling out her own name as a dodge and it's really Nimah all along! Twist!

1979: A weary nation looked to the debut of Supertrain and asked, will we ever learn to laugh again?

Garland debuted to an 18.7 and maintained an 18 average throughout the season, which was a little over half Bonanza's 35 average rating over the same season, and was considered a failure. I can't even imagine what eldritch gods any network executive would swear fealty to in exchange for a show that did even a quarter

Longtime Companion was 1989 and Davison's nomination was announced in February 1990. HatH debuted January 1991. So I should have said "less than a year".

Books have been written on the failure of The Judy Garland Show. Literally, at least two, along with extensive coverage in the various Garland biographies from over the decades. Judy, who was plagued throughout her career by money problems, looked to her deal with CBS as her ticket to lifelong financial security. In

You betcha!

This episode would have been so much funnier for me had FOX not given away two of the biggest jokes in previews: Genevieve's convict status throughout the week; and the tarantula on Terry's head immediately before the episode. Letting us know Genevieve is a con mutes the comedy of everything with her leading up to it

I thought the threat was that he'd have to shoot the remainder of the movie on digital and try to match the look of the disparate footage.

Fine, ruin my sarcasm with facts.