Jay See


Bollywood remake: And Then There Were Naans

Manos: Hands of Fate 2: The Re-Master Would Like That

Surely by now Bruce Campbell's chin has expanded to the dimensions necessary for him to take over the Z'Dar role, yes?

Be lookin' good, Warriors. All the way back to Coney. Ya hear me, babies? Good. Reeeeeal good. Adios!

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed that Eating Raoul didn't make the cut for Cannibal Week but this is definitely a worthy closer. Weird, awesome flick.

"God dammit!"
— David Cameron

"We're not. We're really not."
— Marquette University

"It's called the No Cosbys Club, we're allowed to have one."

Wow, I can't imagine what Cosby must be feeling right now, having something he holds dear taken from him against his will.

Tell your old man to drag Anna Waterhouse up and down the court for 48 minutes!

You don't know jack, man!

You Mad, bro?

Jesus, that FJ was just brutal! There's just no apparent association between the first part of it and the second that might serve to jog something. I landed on "What is sacre coeur?" knowing it couldn't possibly be right.

Eh, I honestly would rather Connor remain more of a free agent. We have rarely gotten a gay male character who is demonstrably promiscuous (as opposed to just being told he is without physical evidence) and it was a lot of fun watching him use his masculine wiles to solicit information and favors from various guys.

Anyone who saw Famke Janssen's name in the opening credits and didn't instantly know she was playing Annalise's ex just does not know how to watch television.

An AV Club Copyeditor gimmick account would just be mashing one's hand randomly into the keyboard a couple of times and hitting "post".

Also on MeTV this Saturday I expect that the regularly scheduled Adventures of Superman episodes will be pulled in favor of tribute episodes for Jack Larson. I can't, however, imagine which episodes might be considered Jimmy-centric.

Molly's parents were the first victims we saw of Sylar's. After some shenanigans with her and the Company Matt and Mohinder acted as her surrogate parents for a while.

I like the analog to the 9th Wonder! comics of Original Recipe Heroes, letting people who aren't part of the story have a window on the story, and the idea that she can use the game to travel in the outside world is an intriguing one. But yeah, not an overall fan of the video game concept.