Jay See

Man, this season has really featured an aggressively mediocre bunch of contestants so far. I can't remember the last time we cleared a board. The entire contestant pool needs to be given high doses of stimulants to get them to pick clues without…the…interminable…pauses…between…selections.

Nothing makes the jokes in Robin Hood: Men in Tights funnier.

I will watch this only if the basketball playing white boy is named Frog.


Potassium Benaffleckzoate is the oddest name for semen I've ever seen.

Don't be afraid to use your nails, boys!

The enema was reversed on appeal.

DC is gonna regret this when all those product liability suits roll in from when the Batmobile lost a wheel and the Joker got away.

Good idea, that way you don't have to order new business cards.

Good God, Larsen!

I love the descriptions of the kids. Pro football player, pro baseball player and the other one.

Oh my god, I was wrong
I was raped all along
Oh you finally got a roofie,
You finally got a roofie
You finally got a roofie into me! ♪

Pretty sure he played Rocky Balboa, since Rocky Marciano isn't, you know, fictional.

Go on…

I wouldn't describe the changes to Nana's character as a retcon but an arc. She started the series as a small-minded, bitter woman who had obviously lived a very insular life with little exposure to people who weren't very much like herself. The only group she really hated was the gays and that was because her husband

Why they gotta be black?

I just finished I Love the Illusion, a biography of Agnes Moorehead a friend got me for my birthday a few years ago and which has lain untouched on my unread stack since then. The same friend gave me an Elizabeth Montgomery biography at the same time and I'm thinking of reading that next. But, it's hardcover and heavy

User/comment synergy beyond all measure.

I had the exact opposite reaction. I thought the first hour zipped along at a pretty good clip but the second hour really started to slog.

I'm gonna have to object to the characterization of The New Normal as a mess from the get-go. It started off basic but decent and made a major misstep by airing an overtly political episode as its fourth installment. From that point it made small but incremental improvements until by the end it was a heartfelt and