Jay See

Set in Seattle.

I'm not being insulting. I don't play video games and so I find discussion of video games boring.

Any shit is boring shit to one with no interest in the subject matter.

It was a distraction.

Heh. "Grilling".

In my defense, that answer came at the end of a post that spent way too much time yammering about a video game that I don't play. I can't be expected to read boring shit about shitty video games in the vague hope that the blather might conclude with the solution.

Possibly the single greatest moment of this series was Bruce reading Dad's note and learning that the door code was BRUCE. That was fucking hilarious while still serving as a lesson to Bruce that he needs to start thinking logically.

"Why was Thomas Wayne like the lead actor in a play?"

Let the White One In

The Whiteners

No, I am judging a country for fostering a national culture that vilifies and demonizes sexual minorities. Your horrific politicians are just one festering symptom of that.

No, we have no national law that outlaws "homosexual propaganda" and if we did it would be struck down by the United States Supreme Court.

No problem, I'll judge it instead by its insane national church and its bands of roving thugs who lure young gay men on social media to be raped and beaten.

Golly Miss Rife, thanks for the swell Jack Larson obituary!

:::reports to jail for contempt of court:::

There's Kim Davis erotic fiction, and no I will not post a link.

It's been in all the papers!

In other news, Scott Walker is set to announce his withdrawal from the race in about 15 minutes. Expect "Sexy Doughy White Guy" costume sales to plummet.

I can no longer see the words "Abbott and Costello" without thinking "YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IS STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!" Thanks, Aaron Sorkin!

"You're guilty, but your sentence…"