Jay See

Clearly you were referring to James Woods's cache of cocaine, although most would call it a "stash".

Coke dick's a hell of a tug.

[James Woods joke

That man has never snorted James Woods in his life!

"She's the real dealer…deal! I mean deal!"

I like how you warn us to skip the Longmire stuff to avoid being spoiled immediately after spoiling Longmire.

The first Chalke episode ended with the family watching an episode of Bewitched and complaining how no one ever acknowledged that a whole new guy was playing Darrin now. Chalke says something like "I think the second guy is better!" And freeze frame.

Is there some way I could blame Tom Brady for this?


If there's one thing Bryan Singer knows, it's seamen.

And just in case trying to read all the way to the end made your lips too tired, fuck off you self-righteous fuckbag.

Why would you read an entire thread before replying to it? Maybe so you don't come off looking like more of a moronic diatribe-monger than you already do? Although that's obviously not a concern of yours based on the shit-drizzle you've deposited so far.

Well, as you would have discovered had you read the entire thread (or even my entire comment) you would have seen that my distaste (not "offense"; I did not say I was offended) for the bit/line/routine/expressed mindset of the character is that a) I have been subjected to straight men demanding to know why I don't…

Me? Doctor?

I spotted Dik!

Wonder Woman was created as a propaganda tool to disseminate (to boys, comics' primary audience) creator William Moulton Marsden's thesis that human civilization was on the brink of destruction and that the only way to save it was for men to live their lives in "loving submission" to women.

Single brown eyes.

"Carol Corps"? Guys get squads with names like "Howling Commandos" and Captain Marvel gets the "Carol Corps"? Jesus.

I have the weirdest boner right now.

Pittsburgh is a helluva drug.