
so the fuck what?

@MaNiFeX: denton's internal chat account was hacked like a month ago, but they never did anything to check it out.

@chaboud: wow, destarred? that's bullshit


when does google maps 5 come out?

dun goofed

the amount of people acting legitimately butthurt over this is hilarious

@rpadula: with a better screen, processor, on-board memory, cameras, etc.

nexus s =

meh. i'm pulling 6 down on t-mobile without a contract right now, for a helluva lot cheaper too i imagine


@infobhan: all the iOS fans who like to bitch about "fragmentation"

@Royal-Jonsun: i'm running obsidian v4.2 and it's practically flawless. probably much better than t-mobile's version

@Dogen: if you can read like 5 lines of instructions, it's pretty much the easiest thing to do. until then, keep bitching about samsung i guess?

@angryCutlet: just do it yourself guys. super easy.

she looks like one of those japanese robots

i've been getting free drinks at chipotle for the past four years! thanks student ID!