
LOL @ nebraska

twicca better than *

this is dumb. i use a bong every day and i fucking hate hippies

can we get a chart for iOS fragmentation?

looks more like a galaxy tab

on a related sidenote, "How to Be Invisible" by J.J. Luna is a spectacular read. i will definitely check out "How to Disappear" also!

only in the sense that it brings out the worst in people. the last thing i need is something that further exacerbates my preexisting narcissism

how is free dropbox a deal again?

@Hypnic Jerk: the lack of super troopers in this video makes me sad

mad dogging ftw

@freedomweasel: because they're not japanese selvage denim :)

this is why i don't mind paying $200 for a quality pair of jeans but won't pay more than $20 for a t-shirt. the jeans will get much more daily use than a random t-shirt, so the cost per use evens out in the long run as i only buy a new pair of denim every other year or so

the beauty of politics is allowing people to believe they're winners when in reality everyone loses

@Curare: heh. i read that as "48 laws of poker" and was confused as to why I couldn't find it, haha

buy galaxy s

Running into a car has never looked so good.

what's that? i cant hear you over the sound of my ipod touch 2g NOT MULTITASKING


except for all the bloatware and NANDlock