other smartphones may drop bars, but has any others been shown to actually drop calls or data transmission with the "death grip?"
other smartphones may drop bars, but has any others been shown to actually drop calls or data transmission with the "death grip?"
@jayrock423: 250...
@Software_Goddess: 251...
too bad you need a rubber to play it safe
@spinnaker0: someone promote this comment
what a joke
holy shit. free cases
@jayrock423: hahaha
"Now, even less than one is too much for us. We want to find out why. But this does put it in perspective. So I have my own pet theory. We have no proof of it, but I'm going to give it to you."
in summary — what's the big deal bitches?
so he doesn't want to make money then?
...or with someone who was actually invited to the event
a walking stereotype writing about stereotypes
@Duc: every time a rock hits my windshield while driving, i wonder how someone could ride a motorcycle without a full face guard
iPhone 4 is the new iPod touch
or, just don't buy the iPhone
I would rather just cut back on drinking in general than slum it up.
6 bars or GTFO