General Agitator

Classic. In my years as a journalist, I never came remotely close to such a gaff. Except for that time ...

Watching Paint Dry is actually a sublime experience. Clears the mind of irrelevant thoughts and/or obsessions to focus all your attention on ... Watching Paint Dry.

Baseball was not designed for those with ADD.

Try uBlock. It enables you to Blacklist or Whitelist entire sites. When I use it on ESPN.com, it prevents message threads from loading. Which is a good thing, trust me. ESPN message boards are a Fool’s Paradise.

This from Ken Burns, in an op ed piece in today’s NY Times about the lingering emotional poison of the Vietnam War:

Nope. Original sentence is fine, as is. The word “that” before “ESPN’s” could be used, but isn’t really necessary for comprehension.

Agree totally. I worked for UPI in the early 70s. Reporting the news was serious business, but the prime focus was (and still is) on Controversy, Hysteria, Fear&Loathing, and Hype. “If it bleeds, it leads” was our gospel.

Telling, isn’t it.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

An excellent description of White Nationalism in the United States today. In the Germany of pre-WW II, it was called Aryan Supremacy.

“Fat, Drunk, and Stupid is no way to go through life, son”.