Just Pelé

BS. Women are queens and men are serfs, our society is built to serve them, and we do so to our own harm.

Yeah the definite way to level the playing field is for the oppressed to bite their tongues

Exactly. Look I understand the imbalance of oppression. But fighting for being able to just say shit like “Men are Trash” is NOT going to help. It’s fucking petty and immature, and only adds distance in the pursuit of gender equality. It’s nothing more than an attention-seeking image that only serves to trigger men

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

Simply no sympathy for either person. Two assholes on a road being assholes. Both were bound to get fucked.

Well, the 4 year-olds who named the original back in 1956 are now 65 years old, so there’s that.

It’s a car blog, seems like all it is lately is a way to critique the new administration. Get back to car stories, if I want political comedy I will go to the huffington post.


It’s amazing that so many on the left are not upset that this power exists, but that Trump will control it. As the article notes, Obama supported this because he thought Hillary would be in power. Where was the outrage then?


None of it was offensive stop acting.

Racing is simple. If you have money you have a shot. No one is keeping woman down. Racing has actually done the opposite and raised many talentless woman based on their sex not their skill.

You also can't have one woman out off 99 actually care about racing and then say it's because of sexism only one has raced.

She's way below average that's my point a guy with her results would of been fired. I don't think the sponsor her because half the country are women. I think they get more value by sponsor her because the PC crowed at places like ESPN flip out about her. They try to make her out to be the greatest driver in history.

Women have been in Grand Prix racing and NASCAR since the start. If you think they were banned from racing then it’s you that doesn’t have a grasp of history.

If they bring money they can get a ride. F1 is a joke right now. It is probably easier to make it in formula one of you are a women. Look at house Haas seriously considered Danica Patrick for a ride.

I don't see it as some kind of systematic problem. I think Danica Partick proves that as soon as a women shows the littlest bit of driving talent the media flip out and raise them up as the next Mario Andretti. Gigantic corporations throw millions at them and top level teams give them rides because of those millions.

I have absolutely nothing against female drivers, but based upon the snippets of Mario’s comments you have quoted, I agree with him. I guess I am old, too.

Eccelstone is an idiot and an asshole, no surprise there.

911 Turbo S