Just Pelé

I did this all through college (driving with expired tags), it was fun game of cat and mouse that kept me sharp and aware of everything going on around me. Worst thing that could happen? I get a ticket and have to buy current tags, then show my compliance to the traffic judge. That never happened, though, I was able

and you'll pay $12k /yr in maintenance alone.

For real. I’d watch a 2-hour Harris video every week, if he made them.

Yep, get a base C5 and put on a supercharger, tune to >500bhp. Done.

He's too much of a nancy-boy. Hell, he feels guilty even just looking at a Ferrari.

Fuck the BBC, right in the ass. I'm done with their bullshit and blocked BBCA on my cable box.

Who fucking cares? Look how awesome it is.

Fuck Russian leaders.

I was being sarcastic, it's a terrible Ferrari. Spend the extra $10k and get an F355 instead.

348 hype is real.

Then something breaks and you pay 5-6x more to fix it.

You have that backwards, since you're the one fucking yourself, bro.

Go fuck yourself.

Fuck them, he's awesome. Maybe he'll come to the USA and make a better motoring show, without Queen and country up his ass every week.

Meh. Still would much rather have a 458/488 or Huracan. Mmm...

No Premier or Sheik? Fail.

I would call the extra 200bhp the Agera R makes with E85 (over 92AKI) a little more than just "a bit".

That doesn't make very much sense, but okay. Again, this isn't about opinion, the facts are a 2 second Google away, and trolls never deserve respect. Ideally, they should be ignored, however, several people before me couldn't do that so this became a thing. You'll notice, however, that brutalizing him, while tearing

The coming ZR1 (in 2017) will be mid-engined. So, yeah...

That's okay, he doesn't believe what he said either. If this were about actual opinions, that's one thing, but this isn't. As a resident troll, that's his MO, he makes a statement that has no basis in fact (ie. "Koenigsegg has zero brand cachet") then he stands back and watches the bewildered replies.