Just Pelé

Pfft, that's peanuts, far more people are killed each year due to the poor driving skills of others. If we banned cars we'd save over 2800 lives EACH MONTH.

Yes, that's EXACTLY why he received the stiffer sentence, moron.

Yes, you're arguing semantics, if you weren't a complete dumbass you'd be able to see it.

Flagrantly break the law, risk other people's lives, flaunt it, then turn down a very generous plea offer and flee the country (abandoning his pregnant wife)? I hope he gets deported, or they nab him if he ever tries to enter the USA again, and they throw him under the jail. What a piece of shit.

That's the most stupid shit I've read in a while. He screwed himself up, numerous times, in fact all this would be over and he'd be in the clear if he had just taken the deal.

That's the most stupid shit I've read in a while (are you 12?). He fucked himself up, numerous times, in fact all this would be over and he'd be in the clear if he had just taken the deal.

That's the most stupid shit I've read in a while. He fucked himself up, numerous times, in fact all this would be over and he'd be in the clear if he had just taken the deal.

Because there's an over 30% cost of living difference (GA being much less expensive to live in). It comes out to a wash when you compare apples to apples.

As you said, that was in the past, labor laws have changed, big time. It's the 21st century, there's no reason to include that layer of bureaucracy anymore. Plus there's the expense of union dues, which only go to paying people who sit on their asses all day. When I was in the UAW my union reps were some of the most

For $20k? Sure. 40k? F-ck that.

They already have great contracts, excellent wages, and the best working conditions in the US auto industry. Why would they even want a union?

The Z06 isn't faster than a 911 Turbo S, either. So much for the "under $1M" comment. Heh.

There are 3 on James Edition and DuPont Registry, starting at $850k. People buy cars like that and later find out they can't afford them, it happens. That's still under $1M.

Google "Fuck the feds".

A non-Weissach 918 Spyder, even with a healthy markup, is less than $1M.

I know that you're obviously functioning in a diminished capacity, and whining about supercars, and their owners, in the wrong damned place, Francis.

I'm a Democrat, you dweeb. However, not all of us blame others for our problems. Crying about someone buying a $1.5m car when your own gov't is dumping 20,000x that much into corporate welfare EVERY YEAR, to line the pockets of Comcast and Wal-Mart stockholders, is the height of "progressive" ignorance. So why don't

Money can't fix what is wrong with most of those people.

Cry more, proggie. Go find a protest somewhere, we really don't give a shit.

Paywall. Fuck them.