Just Pelé

They're a tech company first, the car selling is a byproduct of what they do. That's what confuses people.

You should try an S2 Spyder Corsa (turbo), you'd want to stomp Nader's nut sack. Fucking amazing car.

B13 Sentra, all the way.

I bought a `94.5 Sentra "Limited", with the SE-R package to boot (for an extra $2000), basically what was left in their parts bin was thrown at the car as a last hurrah, and it was glorious. If you wanted an M3 but couldn't afford one, this is what you bought. It really is that good. I couldn't find it in my heart to

Maybe she's finally found out just how much he cheats on her?

I had a Mustang GT and then an RX7 TT when I was a teen, but I also worked on evenings and during the weekend to pay for it. While I did get a couple tickets, I believe the worst was for 80mph in a 65. My dad took the car away for a month and I had to ride a 50cc scooter to school and work, very embarrassing.

What did GM give away to journalists to get all that Cadillac spin that was going around last month? Set passes for Game of Thrones?

Fuck the future, I want a V12.

It's a HYPERCAR, it's meant to be batshit insane, V12 and all. Environmentalists have won, I get it, but not everything is this world is meant to bend to their will. If I'm ponying up $1.5M I don't give a damn about fuel economy on this particular vehicle, for day-to-day driving I'll just run around in my Tesla or i8.

Indeed, that's a cool project. I'd make sure and leave all the welds visible, too.

Arrogance is often deserved, the 458 is broadly considered the best supercar of its generation. If the LaFerrari is an Italia x2, as many testers are indicating, then holy shit!

*New* cars are expensive there, used cars are shockingly cheap. I've imported several older classics from the UK that were never sold here in the US.

Jesus H, some people on here have major Ferrari issues. Can you point on the teddy bear where Enzo gave you a bad touch? :( *sniffle*

What he said.

Nice smog, holy shit!

It weighs 3 tons?

Not to be a party pooper, but if you bought a ZL1, stripped it out, installed stiffer roll bars, and put on cup tires, you'd have a car that's faster than the Z/28 on a circuit, for less money. The ZL1 was only 4 seconds slower than the Z28 around the Nurburgring, and it did that with high-performance street tires.

IT WAS A DONATION. TO. CHARITY. It wasn't a car purchase, it wasn't some type of investment. Stop being thick, he wasn't buying a car, he's was giving $1M to a cancer charity. That's where all the proceeds are going. In essence, he gives them a million bucks to fight cancer, GM gives him a cool car as a "thank you"

You're too stupid and trollish to care, more likely.

The proceeds went to charity, you dumbass.