
Think this is awesome - not only can you call out tactics on the fly without pausing the game, the game reacts as if you're actually there playing. It's really immersive - furthermore, I think it's a great way to teach some sportsmanship.

They have to or employees destroy company property, steal property or data, release viruses, etc. The reason they do it because they've seen what happens when you treat people decently. Sad, but true.

Welcome to the new Kotaku. They don't give a damn, and the quality shows through.

Actually, I think if you go back to previous years, they did not hold them accountable for 3rd party games.

Ah, I can't wait for Meruru to arrive! Barrel!

If it didn't have a single player campaign, I wouldn't buy a FPS. I get bored with the multiplayer after awhile. Im usually happy with a 6 hour or so campaign, then get 20 or 30 hours out of MP, then I'm done and ready to move on.

Usually pros and cons are written by different writers, it keeps there from being any disingenuous intent in the writing. This is a Gawker site after all - their revenue/advertising division has demanded certain editorial content in the past.

What a BS reply ... You're saying a fan of a game series that has NEVER before had an online requirement doesn't have the right to voice his displeasure? Bullcrap.

There is no benefit to the requirement for an always on connection.

Rationalizing what? There's nothing wrong with anything that was mentioned in the article. People have every right to live how they want without judgement from the likes of you. There's also no problem with women not liking guys for whatever reason. But, suggesting that because they like such things they don't know

You can turn off the pawn chat.

The reviews aren't so hot, so far. May still be fun, though.

This is not a quality AAA title. God of War, Uncharted, and Gran Turismo get huge pushes ... This game doesn't because 1) most people with PS3s can't play it and 2) the reviews are middling at best. Doesn't mean it won't be a fun game - I love a ton of games that end up with 60% scores on Metacritic - it just means it

Considering I've played every Persona game and I'm a Whedon fan — I don't see it. Honestly, there is very little to connect the two - even thematically.

The problem with these kinds of articles as posted in popular (or even populist) locations is that they don't belong there. The argument that's being made is an academic one because it relies on abstraction.

When I was in high school, I was EIC of the high school paper. I learned an awful lot doing that job, primarily because I had a great teacher. She knew classical literature and journalistic beats equally. Along with my other duties, I was responsible for a regular editorial.

The card game is about aliens kidnapping girls —- ALIENS, with no reference or imagery depicting rape or sex at all. Furthermore, it's just a trick taking card game with images. Let's look at a quote from this review.

Wtf? So the perverted satire is good here, but in a printed card game it's bad? Way to go with the hypocrisy, Kotaku.

I'm curious what you think in the game directly addresses rape, because I can't find anything.

Bzzt. Censorship applies to organizations, as well. They may have the right to do so, but it's still suppression of speech and therefore censorship. Censoring things, by the way, is not illegal - it's just distasteful. Kickstarter clearly censored a project that they had previously approved.