
The combat is actually fantastic and has been labeled as much by many, many reviews and many, many players. It may not be your kind of game, but you're in the minority there.

I'd love for you to explain how he's a tool. Is it because he's building an entire hospital? Is it because he invites and pays for sick kids and their families to be at every game - home or away? Is it because he's built a dozen playrooms for kids at hospitals? Is it because he visits kids in the hospital almost every

I think people need to get over it. Touch controls work just fine. Yes, yes — we all like buttons better. I get it, I agree — but, touch controls aren't an issue if the game is designed well.

Who cares, it's free.

Gonna buy the game now, just because of that. I like dungeon crawlers anyway, so I'm thankful it's a game genre I enjoy :p

I thought Dead Island was fantastic. Picking this up day 1.

It's hard to take your comments seriously when we have millions of displaced workers that can't get jobs because manufacturing has either shut down or gone overseas. There are good reasons for automation, but you're missing them.

I just traded in a bunch of used games to Amazon; I'll be buying new games with the credit. Used games primes the pump of new game sales and keeps older IPs in circulation. Game sales would drop significantly with the loss of used game trade-ins — unless the price of new games was dropped. If new games cost less, used

that doesn't explain why EA feels their Porsche license is different from this helicopter deal. Clearly, if they can use the likeness of this helicopter without paying, then anyone can use the likeness of a Porsche model without paying. EA wants it both ways, and it's going to end up hurting a lot of companies,

Yes, it it - because it actively demonstrates what people may lose under the legislation should be become enacted. Instead, Kotaku is USING the protests to generate hits and make money. That's just sad.

Translation: we support people fighting battles that benefit Kotaku, but we're not willing to pay the price of those battles - we want to just reap the benefits.

Exactly. The level of hypocrisy on Kotaku recently is astounding. I've lost all respect for the site, which is sad, because I enjoyed the interactions I had here years ago. But, things have changed too much.

I read and write better than you ever will. You absolute ignorance in this discussion shows you lack business acumen, as well. Piracy has absolutely destroyed the anime business causing the higher prices through less sales.

wait, wait, wait - you need an incentive to be moral and ethical? Wtf?

Do the wrong thing, break the law, face the consequences. It's not a difficult concept. If you don't like the punishment, talk to your congressmen — but, until the laws are changed, you know exactly what you're in for.

The level of entitlement exhibited through these posts is ludicrous — basically, it comes down to "I can't afford it, so therefore I have the right to steal it."

The level of entitlement exhibited through these posts is ludicrous — basically, it comes down to "I can't afford it, so therefore I have the right to steal it."

The PSP outsold the Vita, so not totally dead yet ;)

Wait, wait — so, the mother gave him an hours notice to turn the system off, then when he refuses to do so, she's in the wrong for turning off the system in her house? Dude, your priorities are whacked. What the mom says, goes. Period. That's the end of discussion.