This kind of makes no sense ... the translations are done for the European release. It's not like the release and marketing is what costs the most — all the deep costs are already done.
This kind of makes no sense ... the translations are done for the European release. It's not like the release and marketing is what costs the most — all the deep costs are already done.
I can't wait until Atelier Totori comes out here ... then Meruru! Rorona has to be one of my favorite PS3 games.
It's up because of the two new games — Japan is like that; they'll buy a system for a single game. It'll be right back down next week.
I respectfully disagree - our system has created massive megacorporations that are completely tied together through legal protections, tax breaks, etc that reward companies for being the biggest. The system itself has a lifecycle that will end. Capitalism is basically predicated on the being able to sell the myth to…
Yes, but we're speaking of capitalism with these businesses - and, innovation is one of the main reasons that it's argued the the US shouldn't mature into a capitalism/socialism hybrid like pretty much every other mature 1st world nation - now we're seeing how it's hurting us as European and Asian nations overtake us…
Here is a secret about capitalism that no one wants to talk about: when it matures, it stifles innovation. Money collects money, and companies buy up other companies like globs of mercury joining together. The bigger they get, the more they have invested in their current product or technology, it's more cost effective…
The mute function is your friend.
Dance Central begs to differ.
You have to remember, the religious right uses the Old Testament as a moral book — that's what they use as the main standard of morality. Jesus said their were only two commandments ... that all the old laws had passed away, but American Christians have forgotten that. Sodom & Gomorrah is the main thing they use…
I'm a Christian, too — I feel the Bible calls us out to point out those errors in judgement other Christians engage in, you know? The Bible also tells us not to force our faith on others, it has to be chosen.
Yes when was "under God added?"
Marriage is technically a civil union. Every nation, regardless of religious belief, has marriage. People in America seem to believe the entirety of the human experience is located in the bible, which is incorrect, especially when you look at long, amazing history of Eastern nations like China and Japan.
62 additional missions, online multiplayer, and a new cartoon graphics style look (you can keep the original pixel look, if you like — your choice. Here's some info and screen:
@aznb01p: I don't believe they have announced a specific release date. If they release them in the order of the list, it would be August 10.
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 and Half-Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax on XBLA for me this week. If you haven't played Half-Minute Hero, you MUST get this!
Yes, but you don't have the benefit of their full business plan when you make those assumptions. They are changing things, and you always lose customers when you change things. Only the future can tell if it was the right business choice or not.
Here's the thing, though ... They take those cancellations into consideration with their calculus. Ok, so, let's say that there are 200,000 active players generating $1 million in revenue. EVE does does something that pisses people off, like this, and half the people quit ... But the rest are taking advantage of the…
@Robusto68: It's funny ... all companies, in pretty much all spaces, do this exact kind of thing. I'm in a business where people pay a monthly rate. The company started doing rate increases at 12 months, then 11, then 10 — now, customers get a rate increase after just 5 months. And, it's exactly like CCP is saying…
... that screenshot illustrates everything that keeps me from playing EVE.
@Mrugby08: No, you don't ... it's a question mark on the end, meaning the question is unanswered. The written piece was rhetorical and exploratory and nearly academic in nature. The whole point was that certain employees were asked to debate the OPPOSITE side to understand the points.