jayne steiner

PMK failed on this PR campaign. He’s beyond a wounded puppy. He’s addicted to being seen as the loser and being emasculated while provided for that he doesn’t want to change.

Be careful, Randilyn, don’t give the $cientologists enough data to track you down!

In America, pussy grabs you!!

2001-2003 Kim is peak Kim. It’s sad to see how she damaged herself.

Kim has body dysmorphia and it’s sad. I’m glad someone pointed out that this is nothing to make fun of her for.

It’s pretty humiliating. But remember, Donald Trump is going to be sworn in as POTUS in a few weeks.

This has been a conversation at the dinner table a few times. I get the exact same vibe.

I know absolutely nothing about Tiffany Trump aside from the fact that they treat her like she’s Jan Brady or Meg Griffon. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if she’s the only one of them that is sane and didn’t vote for that rotting orange husk.

Slightly off-topic: IS anybody other than me finding it a little creepy that his daughter Ivanka, seems to be preparing to fulfill the FLOTUS role? It seems that Melania has little or no interest in being FLOTUS. In fact, her attitude this entire time has been more along the lines of “I did not sign up for this.”

I find Tiffany to be very attractive in a sort of off-beat kind of way. And, she has a friendly, asymmetrical, slightly dreamy face.

Why do I get the strange feeling that Tiffany Trump did not vote for dear ol’ orange dad?

You know what’s stupid?

There is only one fat kid I want to run into the ground until he dies of a heart attack:

Cult is exactly it.

Because people like them are sheep who just believe anything that comes out the mouths of the people at the top. They have no desire to learn anything and will only squawk enough for the people up top to throw them a scrap (usually an election year) from the top.

My dad has a theory on the Trump voter. They will never admit that Trump is a failure no matter what he does or that he conned them. Because to do so is to admit that they lack judgment or were manipulated or too stupid to see past all his empty promises. It’s no longer about Trump; it’s now about them. To admit

Trump will change it so his BMI is considered below average and you’re exempt if you can grab 4 or more pussies.

Somehow, Trump is going to take credit for this discovery.

As long as oil is cheap... there will be no incentive to switch to friendlier forms of energy. We will continue to poison our water air and overall environment.