
The truest assessment of character is how someone treats people he views as beneath him.

he’s not gonna fuck you, dude

Kindergarten logic. What a massive idiot.

Wow, Musk is so *badass* this sounds like a fantastic high performing organization that will retain the best talent going forward! It makes such perfect sense to match sales percentages to work force percentage! There is a clear correlation that no one has ever seen before!


I made a joke about this in the r/RealTesla sub ... and was immediately banned from r/elonmusk, r/TeslaLounge and r/Cybertruck.

Now playing

Are you trying to say Boeing? Cause you’re hurtin’ my ears here!

Plenty of people, stop being a dick and look outside once in a while.

I can understand not wanting parking lots filling up with people trying to privately sell their cars, but if the vehicle is on private property or in a public parking area I don’t see what the big deal is. Sounds like this was in reaction to a specific situation 30 years ago, making the ordinance more of a reminder to

Exactly this. For whatever reason, 40k and the Imperial faction in particular, is like cheese to a rat when it comes to a bunch of authoritarian fascistic types. They project their own ideology onto the game, it’s characters and factions in truly disgusting ways. GW needs to take a much harder stance against these

“Woke” is just a way of obscuring the epithets they really want to use behind a vague and anodyne-sounding word.

Same people who are bitching about “woke” now are the same people who would bitch about black characters before.

The problem is that they don’t go away. GW could outright tell them to fuck off and they’d still do mental gymnastics to say that the insult was meant for someone else and escape to darker corners of the community. It’s just exhausting.

The curtain didn’t slip… the weirdo bought one of the biggest bullhorns of our modern age and started practicing his “freedom of speech”. 

feel free- saw somebody call it that on reddit weeks ago and f’n LOST IT- if ever there was a more perfect name... 😂

OH I absolutely LOVE this - Please don’t be offended if it is now my go-to-phrase for the cyber-cuck (formerly cyber-truck) from now on!

the Incel Camino has issues?

Yeah, a reputed genius / white supremacist keeps insisting that diversity and inclusion is the cause of all things that go wrong. And yet...

Who needs quality control when there’s a Woke war going on!

The irony of the stupid useless vanity project Cyber Truck being what kills Tesla is just too much to take. I’m not sure they’ll recover from this. Manufacturing it is already a disaster. Tesla’s famous quality control seems to have been even better this time around. The whole thing is a constant disaster.