
Bay area: Hey Googs, it would be a huge hiring advantage if you had some employee housing that was actually affordable and available so your employees weren’t terminally broke or living with 6 roommates.

Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.

Weird how inflation is the stated reason from Epic for these price increases, but the absolute braindead mismanagement of the company isn’t mentioned at all.

It’s almost like... corporations.... lie?

Hollywood is not aligned with any ideology other than the one that maximizes profitability.  

Maybe it’s just the curmudgeon in me but going to a 2 1/2 hour movie knowing I’d have to wait another year-plus for the ending just wasn’t terribly appealing.  At least with Harry Potter, for instance, you knew it was the series conclusion.

References” might be generous, since I think it’s just this:

Apple updates a niche accessory for a luxury device. Still hasn’t updated the magic mouse to not have a stupidly located charge port.

*laughs in scanlation*

And the thing is, the shitty wimpy lil driver there says he “was startled” and that’s why he drove off. ....But he was already driving away, thats why the passenger banged, so the guy floored it and SPED away. He already knew the guy needed him to not drive away, he just wanted to be a dick. And then tell the story

I think the original commenter was referring to the driver who just abandoned the cat upon discovering it in the car.

I get music producers and content creators using gaming laptops, since the specs translate well into those fields, but this sounds like “I had this for games and can’t be bothered keeping my personal and professional life separate” which sure bodes super great for this legal team.

The only shocking thing here is that people are still shocked by EA’s shady business practices.

I’ve always hated having to wait for time specific things in games. Just give me the quest marker and have an option to “jump to X time to start mission?” option.

So management thought dumping crazy amounts of money into free game giveaways and exclusives, cancelling every in development game besides Fortnite, and starting a legal war with Apple would pay off, and it hasn’t.

It’s sick that this AG is more upset over a Dr doing her job than the fact that a 10 y/o was raped and became pregnant and required travel to seek the medical care just to, hopefully, go back to being a child.

The GQP is sick. 

*She* did not defend TROS, she simply pointed out a single good scene from it. 

I don’t think Ahsoka (the character) is saying that the Jedi “suck” or that they would be wrong for not training someone like Sabine, I think she’s saying that the Jedi discounted the abilities and contributions of everyone whose Force-sensitivity ranked below a certain threshold (and Huyang, as a “living” embodiment

I think that’s a disingenuous take. It absolves the development team for introducing deep ideas they couldn’t —- or wouldn’t —- deal with in any significant manner. The game explicitly sets up a world where slavery exists in mass form; the game is responsible for then navigating that appropriately.

People say the Left eats itself when we call out literally anything because the Right doesn’t understand the concept of holding yourselves to your own standards. Sometimes people freak out over a character’s skin being drawn a percent lighter than canon, but you hear “the Left eats itself” every time there’s any kind

I think the lack of women at these is indicative of a larger problem, which is in itself indicative of an even larger problem.