Jeez when you put it that way you make this decision look really stupid/.
Jeez when you put it that way you make this decision look really stupid/.
So the company who only 15 years ago released the first Assassin’s Creed and sold 8 million copies and started a series of which each most recent titles have apparently only sold ~10M copies itself - that company is giving up on a new IP that they’ve admitted was a “healthy commercial success” to focus on franchises…
Yeah, I’m continually surprised that people don’t at least know there’s a strain of extremely conservative Hinduism that has always behaved like the alt-right, for at least as long as I’ve been aware.
The scene is post coital, and she basically gets up, walks across the room and starts commenting on his possessions before randomly grabbing a book off his shelf and demanding he translate it for her. It’s pretty awkward out of context, although the movie continues to characterize Tatlock as an extremely standoffish…
These are right-wing culture warrior groups who have a permanent chip on their shoulder over the perceived favoritism shown to Muslims. It’s really not worth taking them seriously. Western libs don’t know enough about Indian politics to understand these groups’ political associations and agendas.
If she were white, they'dve found her by sundown
It used to be different. Both Republicans and Democrats could win office based on policy and position. Now only Democrats campaign on that. The Republicans who used to do that have been chased out and now either have to be Independent or Democratic. The grift has completed the takeover of the GOP.
Technically speaking, a person can vote however they want, once in office. The purpose of the change is that leadership within the party won’t put that rep on any committees and no one will cosponsor their bills if they know they will routinely vote against the party. This gets especially petty on the state level and…
She was elected because voters don’t read (Republican, Democrat or otherwise) about the issues or who they are voting for and she took advantage of that. People in general don’t vote on issues any more, but merely to secure a spot the Others would have. Lesson learned I guess.
You can't control how she votes, so the whole "switching sides" thing is just making things oficial. Frankly I wish DINOs like Manchin would do this, just so the press would stop saying Dems control the Senate.
Its really very simple, most Democrats believe in ethics, integrity, and believing people at their word.. And most republicans are essentially liars/cheats.. So when you have a situation where one side will use WHATEVER to get in office/power and one side that at least tries to be honest/ethical (with supporters that…
How does one “take a trusted mechanic” when buying a car? I AM my trusted mechanic, so it’s easy, but how does one take an external trusted mechanic I mean. You could pay them for their time. I’ve never seen a dealer that would let me take the car to a shop and have it looked over. But most of the places I go are…
While the dealer is definitely scummy, Munoz is not without fault here, either. Munoz should have done more to check and make sure that everything with that car was fine
Weird. Normal people don’t want to buy a $50k car with 7% interest rates, tech that’s outdated faster than a modern smartphone, a business model that’s constantly pushing microservices, and tracks all your movements with no way to opt out or find out where that information is going?
It seems that HBO is being dismantled over a foolish personal grudge. That must be the reason because I can’t believe that destroying such a celebrated brand makes any kind of business sense.
Well, the problem here is that the car is self driving, so it’s not ‘someone’s car’, there’s no one in it. The car belongs to a corporation that sends its robot cars out without a driver and many times those robot cars are getting stuck and causing accidents. Now the corporation wants to put MORE of those cars on the…
A machine that can cease functionality because someone took three seconds to put a traffic cone on it and then can only be restarted by having a third party physically come out to remove the cone seems like a machine that doesn’t need to be on the road to begin with.
There’s an additional detail: This white woman was accusing a black man of theft, and it appears she was probably lying. The fact that she was trying to rally everyone to her cause is what makes her a “Karen” — the idea being that she assumes she has control over the authorities because she’s white. She assumed that…
Exactly. No two writers on a team are going to have the same opinion... you can’t expect an entire publication to have one single viewpoint on a subject.
Kotaku isn’t a monolith. The review was by John Walker, this article was by Ethan Gach. Maybe they had different perspectives on the game.